Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's yellow

This workstation tag is from Anamiraa. Here’s my little yellow cubicle, it’s only about 2m by 2m. It’s usually this messy, sorry to say. My department adopts the open office concept, so there are some 50-70 cubicles like this for us the kulicutives (a term I found quite funny, coined by a colleague). I was reminded of the bees’ hexagonal cells, especially because they are yellow, since I watched the Bee Movie some two weeks ago. Worker bees we are, indeed. Hopefully we are rajin like the bees too.

Notice the calculator on the desk? Nowadays, I only need to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, but I still use the same good old scientific calculator that has been with me for the past ten over years. And the blue bag under the desk on the left is my cooler bag for my EBM. I don’t get as much as I would have liked to anymore, but I still try to persevere. Behind me (not in photo) is the file cabinet. Otherwise, everything is the pretty much similar to an average workstation: a pc, photos of loved ones, quick reference to certain contact numbers, post-it notes, the in/out tray. Ok, now I’d like to pass the baton to Aina Ana, Mektwain, Ummu Auni, Limau Nipis, and Raiyan. Share with me what your workstation looks like, boleh?


Aina Ana

Yellow? Mine is gray. Also an open concept like yours.
I use the same calculator too since my uni days back in 1997. The battery hasn't been change too!

Ummu Auni

blue & gray colour, open concept. the partition walls are quite low, and i can see what others are doling. huhu, no privacy at all


aina ana,
okaylah tu gray, sejuk je mata. masa mula2 masuk ofis ni, dua tiga hari jugaklah 'silau' nak sesuaikan mata..

ummu auni,
my cubicle kira oklah sbb blkg tingkap takde org, so adelah jugak privacy sikit2..


thanks for doing the tag!!

yang cubicle sebelah tu ada partition ke takdak?

kalau kilang jepun lagi takde partition langsung hihihihi!

kulicutives eh? interesting :)


hohoho.. nanti aida buat
aini pun tak pernah tgk my workplace


kak ana,
belakang tingkap, sebelah cabinet. so direct jiran dgn 2 org je, sprt yg nampak dlm gambar. oklah tu :)

eh aini tak pernah tengok? korg lain2 building ke?


haah puan maini, she has never seen my workplace, we work in different office, with me being in bukit mahkamah under state KL, while she is at HQ

aini pun dok teruja nak tgk my workplace lepas tau mynie buat tag nie.. i told her my cube is like manager's (maklumler, kat state level, executive berapa kerat sajoo)

Najah Farahin

haha...malu nak tunjuk my workstation.takda cubicle2 mcm korang ni. almaklumlah keje dari umah.bersepah-sepah mcm kapal karam, yg penting duit masuk.haha.


kak najah,
sbb tpt kerja akak lain drpd org lain la yg curious nak tengok tu hehe :)

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