Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Selamat pengantin baru!

Tahniah buat Zidni (brother #3) dan Intan! I’m so happy for both of you. Mabruk alaikuma. Semoga memperoleh keberkatan, rahmat, mawaddah, dan sakinah sepanjang masa. Kini, hingga ke akhirnya, hingga ke akhirat sana. InsyaAllah. The journey is going to be exciting. Always remember to love Allah first and to love for Allah...

Welcome to the family, Intan. We are now 17. Ayoh and Mok, with their 8 kids, and 3 menantu, and 4 cucu. Alhamdulillah.

Anak-anak saudara AyohChik dan Achik memeriahkan suasana.


Ummu Auni

congrats!! pengantin sgt sweet...
your sis delivered another baby ke?
munief sorang hero setakat ni ek?


mmg sweet hehe :) (adakah tuan punya badan membaca ini? hihi)
eh, bukan my sis bersalin. afiefah is still the latest cucu. and munief is still the only hero.
the newest member of the family is the 3rd menantu :)


"Ayoh" "Mok" "Ayoh Chik"...

Oghe klate koh? Org kelantan/t'ganu je sebut mcm tu

Kelantanese myself!


ambe oghang tghanung (celup ;p).. dok jauh doh tu ngan klate :)

Najah Farahin

paling ensem jejaka berbaju maroon itulah! hehe


kak najah,
ohh tentulah hehe :p

Intan Saleh

musti la tuan punya badan membaca.

thanks akak! i'm very grateful and glad to be the 17th. =)


apa akak akak ni? call me kakngah la! hehe :)

Intan Saleh

baik, kakngah. =)

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