Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

I borrowed this book by Sophie Kinsella from Ummu Auni, in our book swaps. Thanks Ummu Auni for lending me all those delicious books.

Actually, I almost gave this book up after about 50 pages. I thought, then, that perhaps there is a reason why I don’t read chicklits as much. I was a bit impatient waiting for the introductions to end and for the sory to begin. I found myself difficult to relate to the main character, Becky Bloomwood. I am not that sympathetic towards her unhealthy shopping habits, even though I do realise that perhaps, one of the reasons the Shopaholic series were written were to educate the public in general about shopaholics. I just can’t understand why one have to ‘throw’ a certain sum of money just to ‘save face’ in a shop. I also found Becky’s habit to lie a bit too easily, quite annoying. I mean, I’m not saying I never lie of course, but I find it’s pointless to lie to my husband that the gym is closed when I’m in fact just feel lazy to go, even if I don’t like to appear to be lazy to him. The little lies might seem harmless, but they do invite troubles.

But I read on, and did get myself into the story, especially after the main storyline began to unravel. I found myself rooting for Becky anyway, because she is a good person nonetheless. The good thing about the Shopaholic series is that, Sophie Kinsella writes them in such a way that each book can stand on its own. I’ve never read the first book Confessions of a Shopaholic but I could enjoy the next book anyway. I have, though, read Shophalic & Baby, so I do know the endings of this Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Becky and Luke didn’t break up, Becky gets the job in Barneys), but reading the parts getting to the endings were interesting anyway. The love story is so sweet, I can’t help but to root for the couple. It’s a light and feel-good book, and I think it’s worth the read. So, I guess there is a reason why I still wish to read chicklits once in a while afterall.


Aina Ana

I tend to browse the series in bookshops but never buy them. I'm really not into chic-lit but more of:

1. adventure - Clive Cussler to be precise and

2. period piece - Ann Chee Min - Empress Orchid, Philippa Gregory - The Other Boleyn Girl, Lesley Downer - The Last Concubine

Aina Ana

and oh..
3. Mystery - Mary Clark Higgins

4. Thriller - Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson, Tom Clancy

5. and some philosophy readings


aina ana,
i love adventure, mystery & thriller! tp belum pernah baca clive cussler. maybe i shld try. err pinjam? hehe.. period piece and philosophical mcm agak heavy.. kalau sophie's world bolehla kot. dulu2 masa kat uni rajin gak baca tp skrg dah lebih memilih yg entertaining drpd educating kot ;p


Ish.. cam best pulak review ni. Thanks for sharing mynie. Maybe I should get this book soon.

Aina Ana

Mynie, sure u can borrow. I got loads of Clive Cussler :D

Ummu Auni

actually, i also don't really like the impulsive habit of BB. i just read those for light reading. but the love story is quite sweet, particularly the part where luke proposed to becky (book 3)!


kalau borrow, i don't think it's buy-worthy. just my personal opinion lah..

aina ana,
nnt recommend lah, which one from from those you have. boleh pinjam sekali dgn buku 'bukan yang pertama' tu..

ummu auni,
don't think i'll go for the 3rd book yet. enough of becky and luke for now. maybe later hehe...


i meant 'kalau boleh borrow je'


there's a movie coming out.. "confessions of a shopaholic"

probably dramatized for the screen


i know, i've seen the poster. but don't feel interested to watch.. byk lg cerita yg lg best belum tengok lg, including those yg korg2 dah download. haha..

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