Monday, March 23, 2009

Please charge me more

When we went to pay the hospital bills after Adik was discharged after a 3-day treatment, I was shocked to learn how much we were charged. Not because it’s too expensive, but because it’s too cheap. Can you guess how much it was? Sure I know it will be cheap because it’s a government hospital, but I didn’t expect it to be that cheap.

A bit of illustration:
First visit, Clinic A: 10-minute consultation, 3 types of medicines RM30
Second visit, Clinic B (because Clinic A is then too far): 10-minute consultation, 4 types of medicines RM22
Third visit, Clinic C (because Clinic B is closed): 15-minute consultation, a referral letter (we were advised to go to the hospital) RM10
Fourth visit, Hospital D: 4 10-minute consultation, 3 types of medicine (2 administered orally & 1 by injection) 12 times, checking of temperature and oxygen level (kalau tak silap) 12 times, 1 x-ray, 1 blood test, 3 nights bed, 12 meals for two (patient and carer) etc etc RM17.50!
And there I was, worrying if we had enough cash in our wallets to pay the bill.

Perhaps there wasn’t much privacy being in an open hall with 20 other people (it does allow interesting interactions with other people though). Perhaps it was not too comfortable sharing a child-size bed with my daughter. Perhaps the shower room reminded me a bit of my asrama days (making me feeling slightly nostalgic hehe). Perhaps the food was sometimes bland, though at other times quite delicious, and in any case always palatable (I’m not too fussy anyway). I may have paid my due of taxes. But I still think I should be billed more. I’m glad we didn’t have a government servant guarantee letter, else we’ll probably end up paying only RM1 or RM2 or something and I’d feel so guilty, because I know we can afford to pay more.

What if there are other people like me, who are willing to pay more? I’m not talking about private wing etc (that’s a different story altogether), but just the regular service. I’m not suggesting the government increases the hospital bills in absolute terms, that would not be fair to the people from the lower income group who really can’t afford to pay more. Only the people who can (ermm.. can, as well as want to?). A ‘drop-your-contributions-here’ box (haha) would not be transparent and can easily be mishandled. What about a simple hurdle? Charge a higher rate (say 20% from RM17.50 to RM21), and those who wish to get 20% discount may fill out a form. It’s a hurdle, because there will be some folks who would think “Malaslah isi borang, I’ll just pay the extra bit”. There’s no need to give proof of income, it’s just a simple hurdle. Can it work? Imagine what can be done with that extra 20%! Well, okay, let’s say only half of the payee are willing to pay (slightly) more, the other half would gladly fill in forms – it’s still a 10% increased revenue. And it should be used to pay the doctors and staffs a higher salary.



sokong!!!...utk ayat yg last skali. ehee~


yaa musaf i agree hehehhe

memangla gaji kitorang ciput tapi cukup je sebenarnya, tapi kalau nak bagi lebih pun takpe spt cadangan bernas mynie..

btw mynie i prefer if u use 'public servants' instead of govn servt since it's the public that we really serve (sekarang ni dah tak syoklah kalau kena panggil kuli batak kerajaan-tak berapa bangga sgt)

ooo mynie anak kau dah ok? sampai masuk spital pulak..a bit scary kan kalau anak masuk spital, kalau diri sendiri boleh tahan lagi

kat malaysia mostly ubat free mynie that's why medical bill tak banyak sgt

kalau beranak pun tak sampai rm100

kalau kau rasa bersalah sgt (hehehe) kau derma lah toys or books to the ward, atau lebih bagus lagi kau dermala darah kau (errr ntah2 berat kau tak cukup)
apakah yg aku bebelkan ini?

tapi sebenarnya memang ramai tak mampu bayar pun mynie..banyak hutang lapuk kat spital tu....

food memang actually not bad, kalau masa on call dapur akan masakkan staff punya meals jugak, aku selalu telan sedap je..


mynie, afiefah sakit ke? Sampai 3 hari kat hospital.... hopefully semuanya dah ok...

Takpe mynie, yg penting bayar tax & zakat... oklah tu.

Macam kat sini pun macam tu kan mynie? Almost semua free je... hehehe... Saya bersalin siap bilik satu punyalah besar, complete ngan attached bathroom, baby cot, baby changing unit, etc. Pastu makan pun sedap sgt...semuanya free.... ni yg rasa nak bersalin lagi kat sini...kihkihkih.... acah je...


Setuju dengann UmmuAhmads. yang penting bayar zakat + tax ok la tu. Even better, bleh donate toys/books to the ward mcm kata DrWati;).

Hehehe.. K.Cuya mahu tambah lagikah? Seronok bersalin kat UK ni sebab byk benda free yang bleh dapat utk baby + mommy. I definitely want another 'production' in the UK,hehehe.. When? Let Him 'decides' ;)


Dr wati, bersalin sampai Rm100?? mahalnye~ dekat HTAR, klang..RM5 je.. 10 org anank baru RM50. ehe~


eh musaf kau biar benarr..
caj wad sehari rm3, tu kalau tak beranak, campur caj dewan bersalin, pastu ujian darah newborn

tu rm 5 utk public servants kott, ntahle


itu yg sys denga..

leceh la nk bg isi discount form. Menyebabkan makin ramai beratur, memanjangkan masa, dan menambah kerja staff.. hospital tu cukup sesak dan byk keje dengan keadaan yg sedia ada, jgn tambah keje lg.. seboleh2 nye nk suh sume patient kua dr hospital secepat mugkin~


sebab leceh tu la harap2 lg ramai org opt to 'bayar jelah lebih tu', esp kalau difference dia less than RM10. tak berniat nak tambah kerja staff, just kepil je pada invois/resit. it could just be a one-page form that takes 5 minute to fill (b4 queueing). gov can take this opportunity to get some data/survey on the lower income population. (eceh.. mcmlah akak nak gi bagi suggestion ni kat kementerian kesihatan betul2) but in any case, i think gov doctors should get a raise.

afiefah got infection, which could have been cured with antibiotics, except that she kept vomitting them out, so terpaksalah admit. yup, mmg kesian sbb kena cucuk2 byk kali sbb susah vein kecik huhu.. she's fine now alhamdulillah.
yg hutang lapuk tu, some tak mampu bayar, some mampu tp ngelat agaknya..
good idea pasal donate books/toys. mmg tak brp byk toys kat situ.

yup afiefah demam last week, as per detailed above tu. dah ok skrg, alhamdulillah. sedih tengok wajah dia lesu dan murung. bila dia dah start senyum dan nak main, i knew she was getting better, and i felt so happy.
hmm wah bestnya (dan murahnya) bersalin kat uk. i guess experience kita will influence our expectation jugak.. i agree gov should subsidize healthcare, but to what extent? woops kang sampai je cerita dasar sosialis dan kapitalis pulak kang hehe ;)

chewahh.. dia pun sama ngan ummuahmads ada experience bersalin kat uk. selamatlah nanti si nombor tiga ya? ;p



adik saya kata (dia doctor govt), gaji doctor sekarang ni ok jer... mungkin bebanan kerja yg kena dipertimbangkan...;) Adik saya kata, kalau nak kaya, buat bisnes... semua yg makan gaji, memanglah tak kaya... she is one of the doctors yg really loves her work, sejak umur 5 tahun nak jadik doctor tu...hehe...

baiti, hmmmm... in your case, kalau saya jadik awak, better concentrate on your phd dulu... unless tetiba rezeki tak dijangka..;p Buat Phd ni, kena fokus, kalau boleh biar habis secepat mungkin, kemudian baru buat yg lain-lain tu.... Saya dulu lain, kat msia lain... memang dpt 2 org anak + phd in 3 years time..hehe... tapi, Allah shj yg tahu apa yg kami lalui...


Salam mynie,

Yes, I pun agree - murah sangat kat hospital kerajaan. Masa deliver my girls, duduk kat ward kelas pertama 3 hari pun - tak sampai 1000. Imagine!

Your 'drop-ur-contributions-here' box is good - tapi takut salahguna! I think they should increase. Sikit pun takpe, kan?

Ummuahmad, thank you for the suggestion on being focused masa PhD. I need that badly!


we spent big part of gdp to welfare healthcare. with this enlightenment, sounds like there's a way to reduce that percentage and help improve the quality of life for doctors & nurses

you just need to find more ppl like u. (i think that number of ppl is getting lower in this economic situation...)


since we have two doctors here saying the pay is not bad, then i guess it's more of work-life balance for the doctors. the increased revenue should then be used to employ more doctors, to reduce the workload of existing doctors. but then again, mmg gov nak ambil lg ramai doctors pun kan, not an issue of cost, but the availability of doctors themselves. well, with students being trained all over the world, hopefully this will be gradually be resolved.

exactly, 'drop-your-contributions-here' senang disalahguna. when designing systems/processes, we sometimes have to assume the worst.

itulah, the usual thinkings are 'the lower i have to pay, the better for me' or 'memang gov supposed to subsidize me pun, that's my right' or 'since i can afford to pay more, i might as well opt for a better service provider (private) lah' or as you point out 'in this economic downturn, i'd better save up whereever i can'. so mungkin tak ramai lah kot yang sukahati nak bayar lebih.


Mak aii, sakit apa sampai 2,3,4 klinik & spital?
A'ha..spital gomen mmg murah. Tp bagi org gomen yg ke spital gomen, mmg bil dia RM0.00 tak yah byr apa pun kalau ada surat garenti, tp sok dah pencen dia caj jugak.

Kat spital gomen juga waktu menunggu utk dpt consult doc kena tunggu berjam-jam (kat PPUM la, spital lain sy tak tau), hingga kena ambik cuti seharian utk perabis masa dgn menunggu.

Teringat masa sakit dulu. Subuh2 pi'i dh tunggu giliran nak jumpa doc. Ingatkan kitalah org paling awal, sampai kat spital org dah beratus2 nunggu. My case sampai Isyak tak slesai gak, tak dpt jumpa doc. Sampai nak pitam. Temperature pn dh naik. Sudahnya mak ayah dtg jemput, soknya terus ke spital pantai. Mmg bil jauh beza tp servis pun beza gak.
Bila terkenang balik kes kat PPUM serik nak pergi. Masa tu rasa, tak yah lah bayar langsung kalu sampai pesakit terseksa mcm tu.
Tapi sampai la ni stil kena pergi PPUM, follow up kawasaki anak pulak.

Lagi satu, sy dulu ceaser kat PPUM juga, mmg free of charge, tapi dari segi syariat pesakit langsung tak terjaga bab aurat ni. Sabo je. Kalau bersalin lagi (tp mcm dh takde hrpn), biar bayar lebih kat private hospital asal syariat orang bersalin terjaga!


demam, with infection. biasala first visit dpt paracetamol. 3 hari tak baik jugak, gi ambik antibiotik pulak. tak baik jugak, baru gi hospital..

you're right, biasanya kena tunggu lama. hospital saya pergi tu kecil je, org tak ramai. sbb positive experience, happy je la saya nak bayar lebih. agaknya kalau saya rasa tension2, tak muncul kot perasaan nak bayar lebih ni hehe..

setuju. eventhough bersalin di hospital kerajaan jauh lebih murah, saya nak opt for private (selagi mampu or for now selagi ditanggung kompeni hehe) sebab nak pastikan yang menyambut dan 'melihat' semua perempuan..


Yelah mynie & suraiya (ni macam familiar lak nama ni...hehehe...),

Kalau bab bersalin, baik gi private je kalau mampu... Kat bangi pun dah ada 2 yg ok, kan mynie kan...;) Lain ler kat sini (sini lagi...kikihkih), siap request mintak yg pompuan jer... siap tulis dlm form, saya tak benarkan sesape male yg masuk bilik, kalau perlu, sila bagitahu dulu....hehehe... Apa-apa pun mynie, saya memang tak sabar nak balik msia, rasa macam dah bosan duk uk ni...huhuhu...


Tu la akak, saya pun kalau bleh nk settle study dulu. Bukan senang kan, nak complete in 3 years time? But, if rezeki, mmg tak tolak. I think u should have a blog ler, akak. Share your experience- baru best ;) hehehe..

Saya ingat dulu teman arwah nenek saya buat pemeriksaan bulanan untuk her hypertension ngan sakit jantung. Memang kena pi subuh-subuh pi'i [ke syapi'i?], hehehe.. Dengar2 from few friends kata, hospital gov yg baru mcm putrajaya + serdang, their service is better dr hospital2 gov yg lain. Ni bab bersalin lah. Me, no experience la, huhuhu.. Amsyar dulu pun kat private.


hmmm memang patut tambah dr so that korang takyah tunggu lama2, memang beratus pun org tunggu, jadi siapa ada duit lebih pegi je lah private, pay for your time..

camne tak kena tunggu lama, kalau org tua kadang ada masalah pendengaran cakap pun nak kena ulang2, pastu yg kaki gaduh nak gaduh dgn dr lagi, pastu yg budak meragam, pastu dr tu pulak baru on call semalam nye tu

dulu aku pernah sorang je keje time tu, pastu ada pakcik dtg sakit jantung sgt tak stabil, dekat sejam nak bagi dia stabil utk transfer ke gh, pastu aku dgr kecoh2 kat luar, rupanya staf aku tgh gaduh dgn sorang bapak budak nih yg dah tunggu lama tak dpt masuk2 lagi, dia kata 'panggil dr awak sekarang, dia buat apa kat dalam tu tak tgk pesakit! (sebab nombor giliran tak jalan2)' lepas tu apa lagi aku kenala maki hamun dgn bapak budak ni di hadapan semua staf dan pesakit yg menunggu walaupun dah explain ada kes kecemasan sebab pada dia anak dia yg demam tu pun kes penting jugak

maka setiap kali teringat episod ni memang rasa nak nangis je (ni belum episod kena ludah dgn pesakit, ataupun kena tuduh sebagai penyebab kematian, atau waktu hampir keguguran sebab berlari ulang alik dari labour room ke bank darah utk dapatkan beg darah utk transfusion ibu yg sedang bleeding- macam mana nak kitorang jugak jaga aurat pesakit?)

siapa ada duit lebih pergi je lah private dan jgn komplen2 lagi, biar kitorang tgk org yg tak berduit yg betul2 perlukan servis yg murah ni


wah sungguh direct dan panas, drwati!
takpe takpe, kitorg pun nak paham jugak the other side, berat bahu memandang berat lagi bahu memikul..


yeah..sokong DrWati!! haaha~


oops sorry yer mynie mengganggu ketenteraman blog kau yg aman damai nih :)


eh takdelah mengganggu ketenteraman.. perbincangan yang membina apa salahnya :)


assalamualaikum mynie...
thanks for dropping by at my blog "years" ago.. hehe. Ingatkan malam ni nak update blog, tapi, tetiba blog hopping at your blog ni, terjumpa la pulak artikel best ni!!! ;)

Experience Dr Wati lebih kurang je sama dengan any other doctors experiences.. It's not the money that we want, but the workload is just too much... I'm not commenting much about the bill/payment/salary but just want to share a senario with you all readers... ;)

I'm working with my husband at a district hospital in Kelantan. There are 7 doctors working including the Director. Right now, I'm having my maternity leaves. Another doctor on MC because of premature contraction pregnant 7 months. So, that leaves 4 doctors. Pity them 4.. There were days when there were only 2 doctors working running the whole hospital!!!! The hospital has 4 wards (male/female/paediatric/maternity) + outpatient department + emergency department + labor room + chest clinic + visiting specialist clinic. Can you imagine???

Like the other day, from the 4 doctors left, 1 had an emergency leave (sepupu meninggal), 1 had to go mobile blood donor, the director had a meeting... so left with 2 doctors in the whole hospital. My husband was busy handling unstable bronchial asthma patient and had to accompany the patient to the Hospital Kota Bharu. Another doctor was handling (resuscitating) upper GI bleed unstable patient in the ward. So, there was no one at the outpatient department and emergency department!!! Mujur takde kes berat dah... Anyways, daily ward round had to be postponed to the afternoon because there was no one to do the rounds in the morning... Penat la 2 orang doktor tu...

Banyak lagi nak tulis ni, tapi, I reserve it to write it in my blog la kut.... hehe. Ntah bila nak nulih... hehe

Oklah... Sorry kalau tersalah topik. Saja nak share... It's not the high bill payment that we want, but a simple thank you would be grateful... ;)

Tata. Salam Blogging!!!!


many thanks for your input. 7 doctors per hospital sounds stretched, apatah lg 2! tch tch.. hope this situation will improve soon..
a simple thank you? insyaAllah.. siap bg chocolate lg hehe :) plus, i smile and don't complain.. boleh jadi pesakit contoh tak hehe ;p


mynie aku nak cukupkan komen entry ni 2 dozen..
kau memang sejak sekolah pelajar contoh, sekarang pesakit contoh dan blogger contoh :)
eh eh eh drnehar ni mana kau kenal ek? aku pi tgk blog dia rupa2nya laki dia itu batchmate aku lah, wan mohd salehudin (eyy ke solahudin, aku pun dah lupalak)...dah 2 dah anak kau ek solahh...


kecik je dunia ni kan? that's one of the reasons i like blogging hehe :) drnehar was my hubby's classmate.

lupa pulak nak cakap, mabruk alaikuma on your second son! baru je gi tengok diorg at your blog.. seiras nampaknya :)


wah mynie, ni antara entry yang paling banyak komen i guess... ;) Seeems that kena buat banyak entry yang 'panas' nih...hehehe....

Anyway, drwati & drnehar, i just wonder, kenapa dr (medical) selalunya letak title 'dr' didepan nama, baik ketika dlm forum (online) mahupun blog peribadi, fotopages, etc? Maaf, sincerely nak tahu.... Saya pernah berbual dgn seorang dr, ketika kenduri kahwin saudara saya, dia membahasakan diri dia sbg dr instead of 'saya' sbg gantinama diri dia, dan saya pada mulanya tak berapa paham sebab ingatkan dia refer kpd siapa sebab saya tak kenal dia... hehehe...

sorry mynie, off topic...


betulla tu, ni officially entry yg paling byk comments.. tak perasan pulak isu tu panas masa tulis tu.. tp hari ni baca dlm paper, more people flock to gov clinic/hosp during the recession..


eh mynie, aku terpaksa tambah lagi komen...

ummu ahmads-sebenarnya family saya yg panggil saya wati, kekawan sekolah panggil Bas (jgn tanya kenapa, tu cerita panjang-sepatutnya mynie ni panggil saya bas, tapi laa ni dia dok panggil saya drwati-mungkin dia taknak pembaca blog dia konfius), kawan univ panggil hasma

so bila saya nak mula blog, saya pikir apakah identiti saya sebenarnya? adakah saya mama adam? or boyz' mummy? adakah saya isteri solehah? (insyaallah)...adakah saya anak perantau? tapi saya pikir2 identiti dr tu lebih dekat pada saya, dan saya mungkin lebih suka beri pdgn saya berdasarkan medical background saya (cthnya saya taknak blogging pasal politik sebab saya takde political knowledge)

jadi sekiranya saya nak bagi komen berdasarkan pengalaman saya (biasanya saya tak komen sgt pasal benda lain), takkan setiap kali saya nak bagi intro saya sebenarnya seorg dr, agak inconvenient, kalau saya simply bagi komen sebagai hasma saya rasa mungkin pendapat saya tak 'carry enough weight'

saya mula blogging bila saya jadi fulltime housewife dan sebenarnya saya memang rindu waktu saya bekerja (sesuatu yg suami saya tak paham) so saya rasa sebagai pengubat rindu saya mahu mengekalkan id saya sebagai seorang dr...

lagipun bukannya senang saya menghabiskan masa 6 tahun belajar kemudian 2 tahun jadi dr pelatih baru saya terima pengesahan saya sebagai pegawai perubatan di KKM, org lain belajar 4 thn terus jd engineer, cikgu etc

kalau saya seorang ustazah dan saya nak blogging pasal hal agama maka saya tentu akan guna id UstazahHasma/Wati

kalau saya pilih utk berkecimpung dlm dunia blogging sebagai housewife/mummy tentu id saya Mama2As atau DesperateHousewife

itu saja penjelasan pjg lebar saya tentang blogger id saya (patut buat entry kat blog sendiri tapi nanti ummu ahmads tak perasan pulak)


thanks for sharing your story, i can see that being a dr is sthing very personal and dear to your heart.. fyi, ummuahmads ni dr jugak, the academic type..
and also, you are still bas to me of course, cuma bila reply comments i tend to use the name that appears here..


thanks drwati. Ye lah, mungkin kat msia, kalau kita bagi pendapat, peaople will judge it according to the title and area of expertise, walau benda yang biasa-biasa saje yang semua org patut ambik tahu, politic contohnya.... as long as ia tidak melebihi drp apa yang hanya seorang yang specialise dlm bidang tu saje yang tahu. Kalau kita tengok, prof, dr, etc kat uni kat uk ni, panggiil nama saje.... tapi kat msia, title pof dibawa ke mana-mana. Kenduri kahwin saudara mara...?? Hehehe....Anyway, would like to share this interesting entry by prof muhd kamil

Sorry mynie, menyibuk lak kat sini...;p Drwati, maybe something for u to write on your blog... saya ada jugak jengah kadang-kadang ke situ...hehehe...

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