Tayar besar tayar kecil
A few mornings ago, on the way to the babysitter’s house, Along asked “Tayar kereta Ummi kecik kan?”
I saw that he was looking at the lorry in front and saw where he’s coming from. “Ha’ah”.
Picking up his cue, I asked him “Kalau tayar motor, besar ke kecik?”
“Kecik.” he answered.
“Kapal?” Now, this is a trick question.
“Takde.” He answered, much to my delight.
And then he asked, “Keretapi ada tayar tak, Ummi?”
Oh no, Ummi is not sure! “Takde, sebab keretapi jalan atas trek dia.” There is some sort of mechanics of the train moving on the railtrack, and there is this circular-shaped things that moves the shaft (at least the old type), but I’m pretty confident they are not called tyres.
Moral of story: I know I’m not expected to know everything, but I guess it would be nice to know most of the basic things. Arrk pressure..
What about you? Are you comfortable saying to your kids “Ummi tak tau, sayang” or “I’m not sure, my child”?
The "circular-shaped things" are called wheels. Now, are wheels tyres?
cakap je.. keretapi tak de tayar tapi ade roda....
ade roda tak semestinya kena ade tayar...
kalau budak2 tanya...
kalau tak pasti..
jawab je... "nanti kita rujuk buku ye... umi tak pasti jawapan yg sebnarnya..."
bagi saya, depend pd jenis anak yg bertanya tu...hehehe.... Macam ahmad (ohh...u should see dia dah besar since the last time we met:))...Kadang2 saya tanya dia balik sebab dia dah ada jawapan dia, tapi dia saje nak tengok apa kita jawab...
Ada juga ketikanya saya jawab aje tak tahu.... and we'll find out later or...tanya Abah....hehehe...
Actually, ada baiknya juga kalau dia boleh learn that tak semua benda kita tahu, and we can always learn from other people kalau kita tak tahu tentang sesuatu perkara. Otherwise, ada jugak possibility dia ingat at certain age, dia kena tahu certain things....kira pressure laa....Entahlah mynie, yg pasti, anak2 ni sentiasa mengajar kita to be a better parent kan mynie kan? For every challenge yg kita lalui, Lain anak, lain pulak benda yg kita kena belajar kan...;)
i guess not. how come i've never thought about differences between wheels and tyres.. malunya benda basic pun tak sure ;p
tula, macamana boleh lupa pasa roda, padahal that's one of the first invention, and tyre is derived from wheels haha..
ooo saya sgt ingat ahmad, masa di rumah baiti dulu, segala benda dia tanya ummi dia, and you tried your best to answer. that particular instance had been an inspiration for me :)
and yes, looking for information is a useful skill, so we can show him that it's ok not to know all the time as long as we can try to find out later..
it is a delight - parenting that is. like what you said, kita pun belajar and pick up things as we go along...
Mcm anak saya bertanya, "Apa tu Mak?"
"Raksasa apa?"
"Raksasa besar."
"Raksasa besar apa?"
"Besar, kena lawan Ultraman."
"Ultraman apa?"
"Ultraman Cosmos."
"Cosmos apa?"
Maka Maknya pun mati kutu nak jawab apa...makin tua makin tak kreatif nak beri jawapan!
haa mynie kau nak dgr cerita aku lagi mati kutu
adam: mama did the dr at hosp give u abid?
aku: no, abid came out from mama's tummy (pastu aku tunjuk dia perut dah kempis)
adam: did the dr suck abid out from your belly button?
aku: no, mama had to push abid out, just like when you 'beyak' (berak)-aku konon2 nak be as truthful as i can to adam
adam: ooo so you beyak, then like magic 'poooff!' the beyak becomes abid?
aku: eh adam pegi baca bukulah
hehehe...aku dah tak reti nak jawab
itulah challenge nya, utk tingkatkan kreativiti hehe.. tak pasal-pasal kita kena 'belajar' pasal ultraman. baru-baru ni pun dok tengok sama-sama dgn anak, dia tanya "bila ultraman nak datang?" "kenapa ummi tak suka tengok ultraman" saya cuba terangkan ultraman ni fiction bukan real, harap2 dia faham :)
ahha soalan cepu emas "where do babies come from?" don't you wish there's a book with the answers to all these questions hehe..
kalau as truthful as possible, kenapa cakap keluar ikut 'belakang' instead of ikut 'depan' haha...
anyway, tunjuklah buku anatomi ke atlas ke, or gambar foetus dlm perut ke sure kau ada byk kat rumah kan.. dokter lah katakan hehe..
where do babies come from?
ini memang soklan cepumas.
sy pernah tanya soalan tu daripada mak sy. masa tu umur sy dalam 4-5tahun - belum ada adik lagi. sekali tu mak sy hulur buku The Baby Book. itu memang betul2 tunjuk gambar meneran real-life punye. start dr bukaan kecik sampai part doktor seluk tu dia tunjuk gambar foto!
macam biasa - sy tanya balik. hah? macam mana baby besar kena keluar ikut *toot toot*? sebab kencing kita kan kuar situ?
serius sy menyesal tanya. sampai skarang trauma. kahkahkah!
mynie, fyi mana ada aku bawak buku2 dtg sini..
aku nak cakap ikut depan aku quite sure dia tak tau pompuan punya lain dgn dia punya (kan adik beradik semua lelaki)
wah umur 4-5 tahun sudah diberitahu! saya dulu umur dalam 9-10 tahun kot.. itu pun masih ada rasa 'tak percaya' haha ;) anyway, boleh kaitkan dengan kebesaran Allah, menjadikan tubuh manusia ni begitu 'magic', baby besar boleh keluar ikut laluan kecil..
ha-ah ye tak ye jugak. kalau munief, dia dah tau perempuan lain dengan lelaki hehe.. munief pernah tanya baby keluar dari mana masa auntie dia bersalin baru2 ni, but he accepted "baby keluar dari perut" sbb i showed before and after, so oklah so far. belum lagi, "but dari perut, how? where?"
tu belum lagi tanya.... macam mana tetiba baby boleh ada dlm perut..? Hahaha....Ahmad dah pernah tanya! Makin besar, makin bercambah soalan bebudak ni,...kihkih...
Comelnya kids ni kan? I gelak sorang-sorang baca all the comments...
yah itu soalan yang lebih mencabar. setakat ni munief belum tanya, tapi baik bersedia awal2 hehe :)
mmg terhibur melayan diorg.. subhanallah, kids are so bright and brilliant! (let's try to keep them that way)
hehehe.. all those 'where do babies come from' questions mmg soklan killer, hehehe..
Aufa even start tnya masa umur dia 3 tahun, sbb Ummi dia suka tgk cerita orang beranak kat channel bape ke kat Astro tu- Astro Family + Living ke apa. So, she got the idea la, sikit2.. [i hope so, hahaha..].
Skrg ni, Amsyar plak ligat bertanya, + luckily Kakak dia dh diberi 'pendedahan' awal [hahaha..] so, ummi pass the task to the Kakak, hehehe.. Amsyar, if Kakak dia bgtau apa2, percaya jer.. :P
Ada sekali derang tanya, cmne baby gets into ummi's tummy? I told them, that.. when Ummi + Abi love each other, Allah will blow a 'ruh' to Ummi's tummy + become a baby. Pastu tanya, what is 'ruh'? Tang ni, Ummi dah pening cmne nak explain hahaha..
Rasa mcm nak pass kat Abi, tapi Abi sure pass kat Ummi balik sbb give-up, hehehe..
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