Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bohong dan gila

The other day I listened to a segment in the radio where an ustaz from the Middle East (not sure which country) gave a short talk in Arabic, translated into Malay by a local ustaz. The actual topic was ‘Dunia Ladang Akhirat’ but towards the end he diverted from the topic a bit (with permission from the moderator) to give an advice to married couples. The following is roughly what he said (as translated):

Menjadi lumrah bagi isteri menyangka suaminya pembohong, dan menjadi kewajipan bagi suami untuk membetulkan persepsi isterinya.
Menjadi lumrah bagi suami menyangka isterinya gila, dan menjadi kewajipan bagi si isteri untuk membetulkan tanggapan suaminya.

I went “Whhaaaatt???”

And then he went on to elaborate (as translated):

Tuhan menjadikan wanita begitu sensitif hingga dia mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya suaminya mahu. Dan jika suaminya berkata yang lain, maka dia menuduh suaminya berbohong.
Dan lelaki pula tidak tahu mengapa isterinya pada satu saat begitu gembira, tetapi tiba-tiba menjadi sangat dukacita, hingga dia berkata isterinya sudah gila.

I had to laugh. That’s just so ‘weird’! I don’t know if this is the case of meanings lost in translation, or cultural idiosyncrasy or what, but I wouldn’t have used the words ‘bohong’ and ‘gila’ (which really were the words used) in any case, they’re too ‘strong’.



Sorry lah mynie... I just cannot stop laughing! Personally, I think he is not quite correct. Lumrah isteri menyangka suaminya pembohong? Betul ke?


i think the meaning is lost between context and translation lah somehow.. bahaya ni, even if he means to say this 'secara santai', some people may take it seriously.. maybe the more appropriate word is 'tidak berterus-terang' rather than 'bohong'?
perhaps it's just a case of 'men don't communicate vs women are emotional'?


errr. another version of john gray in islamic blend?

sy lebih suka kalau isi yg santai itu dapat dihuraikan dengan lebih baik. lebih baik yg macam mana, sy pun tak tahu. ustaz itu pasti lebih arif :P


so not john gray! i have a feeling 'relationship' may not be his strong area hehe ;p (evilnya diriku astaghfirullah) afterall, tajuk asal perbincangan ialah 'dunia ladang akhirat'...


a special p/s to mhh,
i can't read your mind (well, not all the times at least) so please continue to talk to me hihi :) and i've always explain my ups and downs and will continue to do so insyaAllah, so i'm pretty sure you don't think i'm 'mad' heh ;p

Najah Farahin

isteri saya gila.
aduh, takleh terima akal pernyataan ini. hehe


And you didn't catch the original Arabic words?


kak najah,
tu lah pasal.. mmg panel lain kat studio pun tergelak je..

ermm... no, unfortunately ;p i don't think i actually know the words, so susah sikit nak 'catch'..


Radio apa tu? Ikim ke?

Kalau ikim, mmg le jarang dgr (sebln sekali pun haram nak dgr) w'pun byk info islamik berguna, tp dek kerana gaya penyampaiannya 'tidak bermaya' maka saya byk dgr Sinar. Lbh energetic.

Dgr Ikim membuatkan kutertidur waktu memandu (bhy tu). Walaupun Sinar byk merapu, it keeps me awake ... "I FOLLOW"


iye ikim lah tu. tak bermaya ke? hehe.. some rancangan dia menarik juga. tapi mmg prinsip dia 70% mendidik, 20% hiburan, 10% maklumat (berita)..


cap ayam btul laa

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