Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Learn alif ba ta

The other day, my sister called to asked me the website url “Yang awak bukakkan ABC untuk Munief tu?” “Oh. Starfall dot com.” “Bintang jatuh?” “Yup, bintang jatuh.”
Anyway, that triggered a thought. Who setup this website? Why? Free materials for children to learn basic ABC. With the thousands (and possibly millions) users, the bandwidth must be big, so the server cost must be high as well.

Which brought about the next thought. Is there a similar website for learning alif ba ta? If there isn’t, wouldn’t it be great to do one? I start to imagine multimedia contents teaching alif ba ta, reading the text (like Iqra’), some basics of Arabic, even (optional) doas and instructions on how to pray. Children enjoys these kind of multimedia approach; it’s more fun. It’ll be a great resource for parents and children. Having said this however, I must stress here that children still needs ‘real’ teachers (for example their parents) for proper lessons with feedback etc, but I think there’s no harm in introducing alif ba ta the virtual way. Imagine if there’s thousands of children who can benefit from this free-for-all website and they went on to read the Qur’an after learning the basic alif ba ta from the website? Wouldn’t this be like an amal jariah? (Terasa macam kurang ikhlas pula bila buat sesuatu sebab mengharap ganjaran pahala, but that’s another topic for another time)

What work needs to be undertaken for this project?
- define scope/content
- source for content provider (survey companies that produces educational VCDs or find individuals)
- determine costing
- find project sponsors
- manage domain/server hosting
- marketing

But the big question is - when? I’m interested, but I don’t think I can manage to do this now. Not by myself, at least. With a team, maybe. Anyone interested to do this with me? :)



interested! takut nak bg comitmen but if this really happens will try my best.. just roger me mynie ;)


thanks! will email you when (if?) i decide to make it happen :)


it is indeed the way forward


okeh.. nantikan surat memohon sumbangan derma :)



cik kak..kita minat gak..just email me, ajasha101@yahoo.com



salam. thanks for volunteering :) will email you nanti insyaAllah.. belum ada perancangan buat masa sekarang, but the more people wanting to join makes me more excited to start :)

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