Friday, April 23, 2010

Two stories, one message

You've probably have heard of them before.

Story One

Once upon a time, there lived a lady called Lily with his wife and mother-in-law. Lily does not get along at all with her mother-in-law. They get on each others nerves every day. Lily was so miserable, and one day she decided she cannot stand it anymore. She heard about an old man living in the next the village who may be able to help her so she went to see him.

“Do you have anything that will get rid of her?” Lily asked, after telling the old man her story.
The old man gave her a pack of white powder.
“Sprinkle a bit of this powder in her food every day. She will not die immediately, but it will take a year. I have one advice for you, though. In that one year, you must be nice to her, otherwise people will suspect you of foul play when she dies.”

Lily agreed and did exactly as what the old man instructed her to do. At first, the mother-in-law was very confused when Lily started to treat her nicely. She was still mean to Lily. But Lily persevered. Soon her mother-in-law started to reciprocate. They continued to live in harmony.

One day, Lily went to see the old man in the next village, crying.
“I no longer wish my mother-in-law dead! Do you have anything that can reverse the slow poison that you gave me last year?”
The old man just smiled.
“That was no poison, my child. That was just sugar.”

Story Two

Once upon a time, there was an old lady who sells fruits in a market in place between two cities, say Fes and Meknes. One day, a family who stopped at her stall to buy fruits asked her, “We’re from Fes, and we’re moving to Meknes. How are the people in Meknes like?”
She asked back, “How was the people in Fes?”
The family answered, “They were nice people, really friendly and helpful.”
The old lady smiled and answered, “So are the people in Meknes.”

The next day, another family stopped by her fruit stall and asked the same question, “We’re from Fes, and we’re moving to Meknes. How are the people in Meknes like?”
She asked back, “How was the people in Fes?”
The family answered, “They were not very nice, really selfish and keep to themselves.”
The old lady answered, “So are the people in Meknes.”



buat baik dibalas baik?



if you want to fly with the eagles, you must not flock with the turkeys?

hahahahah. acah je.

kadang2 ada jugak buat baik dibalas toooottt. that's life. but if we live this life for the afterlife (pinjam ayat drwati), life would be easier.

yeahh. easy said than done :P


eh dah jadi kuiz cuba teka apa mesej 2 cerita ni pulak.. hehe...

boleh lah jugak buat baik dibalas baik kot, tapi sebenarnya nak sampaikan "we have more influence on the outcome of our lives than we think we do".. lebih kurang lah..

betul tu.. kadang-kadang kita cuba macam mana pun tak jalan jugak. so tak terpakai dlm semua situasi..


i love these stories :)

p/s: mynie, jangan tak caya.. tak jejak bookstore lagi dtg sini. ada sekali jejak ngan anak dara.. beli buku harry potter, tapi mmg miss. nak gi borders.. uwaaaaaaaa!!! rasa cam tak betul jer sebab tak dpt masuk bookstore yang betul2 bookstore


we are what we give


Niza Dekja

both two stories penah dengar tp x ingat kt mane or dr mane..


meaningful stories!


bookstore yg bukan chain pun byk je, jual murah2 (tp mungin takde latest books) ala-ala BookXcess.. cth: galloway & porter. waterstones selalu buat promo 3 for 2.. buku2 yg baru jugak..

tu dia, kata-kata hikmah kak non kita. thanks :)

takde nasab, tak tau nak beri kredit kat sape hehe :)

i like stories because i think they can convey messages well.. more interesting and meaningful compared to kalau sebut straight to the point nasihat..

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