Tuesday, March 25, 2008

S*ell Scholarships

The company I'm working for (which is different than saying 'my company') is offering scholarships for undergraduate studies in Engineering, Sciences, Business Admin/Economics, Finance & Accounting, and IT. Most places offerred are for local unis, but there's limited places for UK unis (if I'm not mistaken). They're looking for SPM/STPM/O'Level/A'Level/Diploma leavers, but 1st Year students may also apply. There's also 2 places for MSC in Geosciences (to study in UTP). Go here for more details. The deadline is 31st March, but since the application is online then there should be enough time. If you know anyone who might be interested, do let them know.

Other than that, they are also offering internships for undergraduates in their penultimate years. To apply as a graduate (defined as someone with less than 5 year work experience if I'm not mistaken), go here, and as a professional, go here to view current vacancies.

S*ell is a good place to work. Other than having a good open environment where everybody's views are encouraged and appreciated, the group has core values which I resonate with. And not to forget, the group (in Malaysia at least) has flexi-work policy. A story came out in the internal news recently about a lady in S*ell IT who made history by becoming the first person in S*ell Malaysia to opt for part-time working - she now works Monday to Thursday only.

Err.. why am I suddenly out to promote S*ell ni? Entahlah. Cari pengganti diri kot? ;p



oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dai bologna alèèèèèèèèè devi vincereeeeeeeeee lalalalala


wow promote shell nampak.. kalau ada kosong shell bahagian finance, jgn lupa bagitahu.. heheh

mynie, just to inform. mynie tau tak company yg distribute medela kat malaysia.. lactaequip? obviously, if you want to buy medela swing, they can give you 10% discount. kalau nak trade in dgn medela mini-e, you can get less RM 130 (RM768 - RM130 = RM 638). i think it's a good buy kalau nak trade in medela mini-e.

Ummu Auni

ada kosong tak bahagian finance :p
okay ke kerja kat shell, considering i need to go back on time, reluctant nak tinggalkan T* ni pun, sebab boleh balik on time, tapi memandangkan too much backstabbing & pin pointing (ffice politics), maybe i should try mixed environment (not totally 100% malays)

eh, eh macam nak minta kerja la pula :p


as at today takde kosong finance, tapi kalau ada i'll let you know.

lactaequip? ada baca pasal company tu in susuibu.com discussion. dia kasi try even kan? well, skrg dah ok balik.. so bertahan dgn mini-e dulu lah kot. last week masa terasa nak swing tu sbb susah sikit dpt letdown. skrg dah ok alhamdulillah (though still ada tersumbat la..)

similar answer lah - skrg belum ada but i'll let you know kalau ada.

dulu org kat sini kiasu juga, balik lmbt tunjuk rajin, tp skrg lebih 'trendy' utk balik on time sbb kalau balik on time maknanya kita ni efficient siap kerja cepat hehe.. but really, culture skrg towards balik on time. mmg kurg office politics, but the downside of being in this kind of environment is 'kurang geng sekepala'.. kdg2 rasa lonely jugak hehe (sbb tu beralih ke cybersocialising kot hehe ;p)

eh i thot your bond lmbt lg habis?


k.Aida + k.Aini,

if you want to apply for a finance department in s*ell, well.. my hubby will be the best example of how the workloads in the departments are, hehehe.. :P


alamak, lupalah baiti.. hehehe
tu old school nye accounting tu kalau kena balik lambat :)


Ummu Auni

mynie, memang lambat lagi, tapi tak ada loan dgn T*. ingat nak blah cepat2 sebelum diriku semput ditekan oleh office politics. huh! sini tak pandai politic, memang tak naiklah even though how good you are. the problem is i don't gossip about others, okay :p

yes, i'm to the extreme willing to pay back T*..huhuhu...but, kalau cam baiti cakap, accountant bawa trend accountant, lambat juga la balik kalau cam tu. mcm my aunt kat SC dulu la, memanglah gaji banyak, tapi hari2 balik 11 malam, sapa yang nak, ye tak :p


rasanya tak semua org kat finance workload dia mcm hubby baiti kot.. i think the rule is, workload should be reasonable under normal circumstance, tapi sekali-sekala terbyk kerja kena balik lmbt tu acceptable kot... tak tau la kot2 ada bos yg kurg bertimbang rasa or pikir semua org terrer mcm dia...


hmm.. true.
maybe x semua finance's staff workload sama.

i think the boss is to be blamed. He 'ran-off' to P* bcoz that workaholic boss lah.

Ingatkn, kt P* ok, huhuhu.. lg teruks lg ada.. Tapi, nak buat mcm mana.. accountant will always be accountant. That's the nature kut..

Ummu Auni

the reason my aunt quit SC because her superior is no good. and then, the top person always listen to hearsay, which resulted in most of them being punished through year end assessment (average), which give them 4% increment (macam cukup utk cover annual inflation je) and 1.5-month bonus. she told me, they rebel by going back on time after that. because the superior gets the top marks, and he got 8-month bonus, even though it was them who keep going back late (11 pm).

plus, it's bad enough, and now the labour force at SC had been decreasing rapidly, about 200+ ppl quit their job out of 800 work strengths starting last December

aduh, kan tak best macam tu. you sacrifice something, but you didn't get anything. once in a blue moon is okay, tapi kalau hari² 11 pm, anak pun entah ke mana

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