Monday, September 01, 2008

Ramadhan Mubarak!

Selamat menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini. Semoga Ramadhan kita tahun ini lebih baik berbanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya...

This poem is from here.

Ramadan is Here!! by Asma Sadia

One night I heard a knock on my door;
Who can it be,I wasn't quite sure.
I open the door and am filled with glee;
The visitor ahead is no stranger to me.

I welcome the guest with utmost delight;
For I know it has come to give me respite.
An air of happiness fills the space;
My home now seems, a better place!

Have you any clue who this visitor could be?
Yes!its Ramadhan,the month of mercy.
The pious and righteous can't await its arrival;
Others seem to greet it, with waves of denial.

For Allah(SWT) we fast from dawn to dusk;
For Him our breath is the fragrance of musk.
The muslims who pray and fast with zest;
Are aware of the rewards of this month manifest.

Throughout this month we weep and repent;
Now is the time to strongly lament.
And those who shun this sacred month;
on the Day of Reckoning will face the brunt.

In the last ten nights,hides the Night of Decree;
Allah(SWT) then awaits for his slaves to plea.
The angels descend with Gabriel(AS) in the lead;
To check on the steadfast and record every deed.

A feeling of grief now fills my heart;
As the month of Ramadhan will soon depart.
So lets make a start and worship Him alone;
Now that the worth of this month is known.


Ummu Auni

selamat menyambut ramadhan. regarding the potty training, i almost gave up on afif. baru semalam dia kencing atas karpet, nak nangis mak dia..pergh, penat betul. anyway, nasib baiklah ayah dia jenis sabar, and keep on insisting wpun hari ni karpet ku berbau hancing..


Ramadhan mubarak mynie!!

Kali ni ramadhan dlm summer time... subuh 4.00 am, buka around 8.00 pm... memang mencabar, sebab tengah menyusukan baby yg baru nak masuk 2 bulan... harap2 dapatlah puasa sebulan...aminn...


ummu auni,
all the best.. nnt ajar sy hehe :)

ha'ah ye, makin lama makin panjang le waktu puasa.. (nasib baik le masa time sy dulu winter hehe ;p) all the best to you.. moga Allah permudahkan.

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