Thursday, October 30, 2008

A puzzle on pills

Phew – the last few posts had been quite lengthy. Here’s a short one:

Abu is sick – he needs to consume two types of pills, one each, everyday. He’s down to the last 2 days (he has 4 last pills), but unfortunately, he has mixed up the pills and the two types of pills look exactly similar! The colour and shape is the same, the manufacturer label is the same – he can’t tell the difference. (Okay, I know this is unlikely to happen in real life, but let’s just say it is so lah). So, what can Abu do so that he could take the two types of pills (one each) for today and then tomorrow?


Ummu Auni

take one pill per day. jadi 4 hari, instead of the usual two. to be safe la katakan :)


ummu auni,
takleh. satu pill utk satu fungsi, satu lagi untuk fungsi lain. kalau makan A tak makan B nnt ermm pengsan. kalau makan B tak makan A nanti ermm sakit kepala. (pakai bantai je kasi example hehe).. try again :)

Ummu Auni

potong pil tu separuh, dari 4 jadi 8. kemudian ambil first half (4 portion berbeza) hari pertama, dan second half hari kedua..


ummu auni,
spot on!! yay - well done :)


Or you can crush the pills into powder (or dissolve in water) and divide into 2 portions...


dear h,
crush into powder boleh jugak - but wouldn't that take unneccessary effort?
dissolve into water not recommended, kang jadi chemical reaction apa ntah the two types of ubat interact.. hehe ;p

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