The same ambulance passed by me twice this morning on the way to work, once (a considerable distance) before the toll, and one after. I wonder why the ambulance had to use the cash lane? Of course, ambulances can jump the queues and go to the front. But it still takes time for other vehicles to give way. That few minutes could be vital. Why can’t ambulances get Smartags with automatic pass (no need to top-up)? Is it because of risk of abuse?
Giving way to ambulances is not a problem. But giving way to some VIPs with their police escorts is a bit annoying. Even more annoying, are the drivers who ‘hitched free rides’ behind the ambulance.
i couldn't agree more.
we have opportunist in our daily life as well as opportunist drivers on the road:)
Agree with Zufa jugak.
But I have even heard that sometimes, there are no emergency cases pun. The driver or nurses maybe in a hurry to go for lunch!
That is salah guna kuasa! :)
I have to strongly disagree with Ipohmom..
the ambulance never leave the depot unless there is an emergency call
even if there is no patient in the ambulance the driver have to return fast to the depot in case he is needed
you can never imagine how the people in the ambulance pray they reach the destiny there and then
especially when the alarm has been beeping since the last 3km and you are running out of options
even if they are rushing for lunch, dont you think they deserve it or need it?
pls give way, and do pray for the people in the ambulance too the way..
sometimes the people behind the ambulance are the family of the dying person (they were sometimes instructed to tail the ambulance),
well unless you see the car in front of you suddenly turn and follow the ambulance
dr wati
thank you for clarification.
sorry about the misunderstanding. kita pun hearsay aje.
i am sure the drivers are working hard to save people's life as well!
tulah.. these people tak sedar kot that what they think 'small matter' is actually showing disrespect to both the ambulance as well as the other road users..
dr wati,
yup, i'm aware that sometimes yg dok tail ambulace tu relatives, tp ni kes yang mmg depan mata keluar dr queue and ride the ambulance's wake..
and thanks for yr suggestion pasal doakan patient dlm ambulance tu, tak terfikir pulak sbelum ni..
mungkin salah faham, atau isolated cases.. nasib baik ada org dpt clarify..
First time saya naik ambulans dinihari 3 tahun lalu. Short distance je i.e dari emergency ke paeds PPUM. Tak sampai seminit sampai. Anak kena kawasaki, sabo je.
kawasaki tu sakit bagaimana ye?
*pasni saya pergi tanya pakcik google* ;p
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