Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big giver

I was listening to Radio IKIM’s segment Cerna Minda last Monday on the way back from work on Monday when the Pengarah Radio IKIM, Ir Ahmad Jais related a recent incident that happened in IKIM fm’s jualan amal event. A new foot massager had been donated for the jualan amal. The starting price was RM40. Several people bade for it until the price reached RM100. After that only two people continued to bid. Bidder A won the bid at RM140. He paid the amount to the organiser, but instead of taking the item, he gave the foot massager to bidder B who had lost the bid. He said he wasn’t interested in the foot massager and just wanted to donate. The surprised bidder B, refusing to accept the item for free, offerred to pay back bidder A. But bidder A refused to accept the payment, so bidder B paid RM140 to the organiser. So, the organiser made RM280 for the item which started out at RM40! Yeah, I know - it’s kind of a roundabout way of donating, but it’s more romantic this way, and since I’m a romantic, I feel inspired by it :)

Note 1: Romantic here does not mean ‘displaying or expressing love or strong affection’ but rather ‘imbued with or dominated by idealism, a desire for adventure, chivalry, etc, ardent; passionate; fervent, fanciful’.

Note 2: has interesting segments for their 6.15-7.00 pm weekdays; with Mondays for Cerna Minda, Tuesdays for Qura’an dan Sains, Wednesdays for Usrah Rasa Hati, Thursdays for Salam Masjid (err.. my least favourite), and Fridays for Kau Ilhamku.


Ummu Auni

mynie, mynie, aini baru beli buku memasak chef hanieliza. pergi direct ke PTS batu caves, dapat 20% off, harga RM 4.40. murah kan? selalu print dari internet, lepas dah buat entah ke mana2 ada buku cam ni, ok sikit. hehe


ummu auni afif, (panjangnye ;p)

wah, gombak dekat batu caves boleh lah pergi. i'm buying via bookcafe today, pun 20% jadi 4.40, bolehlah cover cost delivery. tak sabar nak terima! agree with you, although recipe dr internet FOC, tapi berbaloi beli buku (esp this particular series)..

Ummu Auni

semalam pergi dgn my cousin, sebab kami sama2 hantu buku. melilau cari, tapi sebab mmg tekad juga nak cari :p haha.

bilik pameran dia macam library, siap ada kerusi, meja segalanya :p. nak pilih buku pun tak ada org harass. cuma tak boleh pakai cc je. semalam pergi lengkapkan koleksi dunia sains aiman & adam kecil :p

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