Friday, June 12, 2009

Pengangkutan untuk Solat Jumaat?

Selesai urusan di pejabat pos tengah hari tadi, saya terlihat segerombolan pekerja di hadapan pejabat berhampiran tempat kerja saya, seperti sedang menunggu, dalam lingkungan jam satu. Ada beberapa orang wanita, tapi lelaki jauh lebih ramai. Terlintas dalam fikiran saya, barangkali ada pengangkutan yang disediakan oleh pejabat mereka untuk ke masjid bersolat Jumaat. Tak dapat saya pastikan benar atau tidak. Tapi kalau benar, alangkah bagusnya. Bukan sahaja mereka tidak perlu bersusah-payah mencari tempat parking kenderaan, malah ada pula ‘tekanan sosial’ untuk semua pekerja Muslim di situ untuk turut serta (dengan kata lain, susah sikit nak ‘escape’). Jika syarikat itu punya kenderaan pekerja sendiri, saya kira ini satu cara yang bukan sahaja memberi kebaikan secara langsung kepada pekerja tetapi juga tidak langsung, insyaAllah ada keberkatannya.



Do you think they'll really get anything out of doing something by force (social pressure)? Even if it's praying? =) They're not kids. They're making a choice. Besides, didn't we learn in school that if some % of the population establish Friday prayers then it's not compulsory on the rest? Or something like that? I never really paid attention, so do correct me if I'm wrong, heh =P



i think if it's something that is wajib to do, it's better if someone do even 'tak ikhlas' or kena paksa, compared to tak buat langsung.. moga terbuka hati or dapat hidayah..

each and every man wajib solat jumaat, the %/numbers bit yg kau ingat from school tu, maybe yg 'it takes minimum 40 ppl to form a jamaah for solat jumaat' kot..


Oh yeah, my bad re: the %numbers thing. Hmm.... maybe re: paksa. Not convinced though. People are of many kinds. They pray (fast, give charity etc) / not for different reasons. Force is potentially beneficial to some but not to others. Nuance is important. We have nuance when we teach kids - cater to different personalities. Why not w/ adults?

In any case, maybe this is an unnecessarily long comment to a short post =)


no such thing as unnecessarily long comment :) afterall, we are talking abt enforcement vs education, right? i believe there should be both. while it is more effective for ppl to do something because they want to (so yes, educate both child and adult), it's also important to 'maintain order'. because letting ppl do as they please may have mudarat to the ummah as a whole, for example, when more people do wrong, it becomes a norm, and that makes it easier for other people to follow suit... sthing like that.. btw, not sure what you mean by 'nuance'. and i did look up the dictionary hehe ;p

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