Sunday, August 16, 2009


I love being me. But sometimes, I feel like I need to try harder to be more interesting, witty, and clever. Even when I’m with my best of friends. It’s not a case of trying to be someone else, it’s a bit like trying to be a different version of me. I think. Does that make any sense?


Ummu Auni

yeah, i understand. i sometimes wish i'm wittier not too silent.

pst, jumpa kak ana tak friday ni? rasa seganla pula nak pergi sorang


ummu auni afif,
tak plan nak pergi sbb superdupersegan, tp kalau aini pergi mungkin ada rasa berani sikit haha ;p


hahaha! mynie & ummu auni,
both of you remind me of myself. but i'm not going to discuss that in deep. maybe some other day i'll write about it in my blog.

hihihi :P

and mynie,
i think i understand your feelings. i've been there :P

Ummu Auni

mynie, nak pergi ke tak? ;p hehe, ni la masa nak jumpa kak ana yg vogue :p tapi macam malu2 kucing juga :p


you too? haha.. is this why we blog? :)

ummu auni,
3-4 hari lg nak decide kan.. saje je nak delay making up my mind ;p .. will email you nnt..


wittier you? hmmmm...

i'm sure we all love u as u are mynie




i love me as i am, too hehe :) just that i think there's room to improve my 'socialising' skills..


Aina Ana

Mynie, I truly understand your feelings & sentiments.

I wish I was 'popular' in the sense that I can talk about anything. But currently that is not the case. I 'think' about anything but not talk about it..hehe..

I guess that's why I blog.


aina ana,
hehe.. ramai teman sekapal rupanya :)


mynie... ramai orang macam mynie... termasuklah akak!


if the comments here offer some reflection, is it possible that pretty much everyone feels the same way? even the people you feel are witty, deep inside they feel like being wittier? in which case, we're all as witty as we can be! =) also, if i remember fr previous posts, weren't you making conscious efforts to be this different version? how's that going? or did i misread?


join the club :)

true, everyone goes through similar thing probably, though i suspect some ppl have more flair / innate talent than the others.. biasalah tu, each of us have our own strengths/talents.. yes, i have recognised this as an area of improvement since dulu-dulu lagi, and have been trying to improve, and hopefully is slowly being better at 'conversing'! haha ;p you must have guessed it, but this post actually stemmed from the recent dinner at L's..


hehe mynie nk jadik mcm siapa ni? nnt x natural lah =) stay the way you are i think. =)

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