Friday, August 14, 2009

Simplisiti's affiliate program

I used to think that being an affiliate (in the context of internet marketing) is where you have a unique link to a particular online shop, such that if a customer clicks through your link and purchased the product, you will get a commission from that sale. But later I learnt, from Baiti that affiliate could also mean an arrangement where an affilliate gets a commission for securing any sales (not through directing link) through him/her, where, unlike an agent or distributor, an affiliate doesn’t need to keep their own stock (and hence without forking out any capital). Despite her telling that to me some one year ago, it’s only recently that I manage to set up Simplisiti affiliate program. Anyone interested, please visit Simplisiti blog to find out more or to download the terms and conditions.

If you are a seller, and you are interested to have people marketing your products for you as affiliates, one of the requirements (in my opinion at least) is that you are certain that you have all the products you are offering. For example, I offer affiliate program only for the t-shirts for kids, because I got loads of stock for that (since I’m the producer). For the t-shirt muslimah (which I take from other suppliers), for example, I might have certain designs or sizes stocked out, so I don't offer those products to my affiliates. Affiliates should be able to take orders immediately without having to consult you first on the availability. Of course, it is possible to have the affiliate check with you first on the product availability, but I think that would not be very efficient.

After procrastinating for awhile (hoping I’d be able to do it myself at some point), I've decided to get outside help and hired Yanor via her business Pramera Media to make me a better banner. (I like the name Pramera, by the way). I know to some people, doing this (banner) is a piece of cake, but unfortunately I’m not one of them. Not only do I lack a photo/graphic editing software, the thought of using a mouse to cut the edges of the product image alone makes me cringe! So, thanks Yanor for the help. I’m using this banner to advertise in

I’ve also managed to photograph the t-shirts for kids a bit more properly by borrowing the mannequins of my muslimah swimsuit supplier (in the old photo, I just laid the t-shirts on the floor!), something that I could have done a long time ago as well, but again, I procrastinated. And finally, I’ve signed up for a Paypal account, so Simplisiti can now receive payments via credit cards or Paypal. Previously, when a US customer wants to pay, I seek help from CY3.5 to ‘borrow’ her Paypal account (thanks CY3.5!) But I haven’t put up the information on Simplisiti blog yet. Woops. An item to be added to my to-do list.



the term is dropshipping kot kalau tak silap..

banner tu tak betul lagi ek.. geram je tengok.. hihihi..


ooohhh.. pernah nampak term dropshipping tu tapi tak pula gi find out what it means.. thanks! belajar benda baru setiap hari :)

tulah, still tak settle lg banner tu. nnt saya godeh2 lagi..


laa.. mynie... akak tak perasan pun mynie ada business. takpe, nanti nak order baju kanak2 tu... will email you. :)


nampak sgt marketing saya 'fail' hehe ;p
p/s: for you, special discount!

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