Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Moved to new blog url

I started blogging in 2006. I must have been so naive back then, to choose my real name as the blog url. I've been considering changing the name but procrastinated, until recently a colleague at my office emailed me with the title "Guess what I found?" and inserted the link to a particular post in my blog! She was googling for something when she came across my blog. Luckily, she's a good friend of mine and she agreed to keep my blog a 'secret'. I don't blog about office much, but I still don't want people from the office to know about my blog. I feel that I wouldn't be free to write if they do read my blog. It's a part of me that I wish to keep 'private', so to say. I once went to a colleague's political blog, and somehow I don't feel the same about him afterwards.

Anyway, moving is quite swift, thanks to CY3.5 who kindly pointed the hows. I lost my blog list though, so I have to retype them one by one. If I miss anyone, do let me know. Something's wrong with Simplisiti's banner, not because of the move, but rather because I wanted to change it to the new one and being so kayu-IT, failed miserably. Dahlah kayu-IT, I forgot to save the old codes somewhere, so there it is, looking ugly. Now, I'd have to consult MHH on this.

Anyway, welcome again to Everyday Ice Cubes!


Ummu Auni

i guess that's why i move so much. i couldn't possibly bear the thought that someone is gossiping about me at the back. i'd been in few situations where this particular girl keep telling everyone my blog add..eerk! i mean i don't mind them reading my blog, but please do keep it to yourself


uiks.. blog list ilang? I thought all the widgets stay..

for banner, taip

<img src="URL_GAMBAR">

URL tu ada je kat hosting tempat cik Mynie upload gamba tu..


ummu auni afif,
so far belum ada lah experience yg gitu. and hopefully takde.. blog ni pun 'mild' je :)

widgets lain ok. ada la yang saya buat tak betul kot..

dah cuba, tak jadi. kalau paste url tu dlm browser, ok je.. hmm..


Me too 'kayu-IT' template asal also hilang baru ni, tu pasal tukar jadi hijau and ada tikus ada kucing...tak reti nak kembali pd asal...hijau pun hijau ala, kira bagi 'facelift' kat blog yg syok sendiri.

Tadi En. Zakaria tanya saya kenal tak 'Siti ...' tak kenal...dia tanya habis mcmana ada link your blog kt blog sy.

I answered 'Oooo Mynie, Mynie taulah saya'. Barulah tau nama sebenar Mynie



oklah tu, menarik ada gambar kucing kejar tikus hehe :)

mynie takdelah jauh sangat dari nama sebenar saya (cuma buang satu konsonan), tapi bila ubah spelling jadi lain terus, hehe.. nickname ni legasi dari zaman sekolah menengah :)


oh mynie, i thought i'm the only one in the world who wants my own cave. hihihi

hopefully nobody from the past (or anybody yg tidak diundang) tries to find me. adoi. tolonglah!

tiba2 terasa cuak....:P


cave saya ni terbuka untuk kawan-kawan, past or present :) cuma colleagues je yg 'tak dijemput'. sbb diorg pun mostly tak sampai tahap 'kawan', lagi pun nak elak 'conflicts of interest' at work (yelah tu, professional lah kunun hehe)


yeah... good idea to not have your name as your blog. sampai sekarang, tak ramai orang tahu my real name (except Aini!).


nama yang keluar when you write/reply to comments in your blog tu bukan your real name? it sounds like one, hehe :)

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