Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Milk intake increases risk of breast cancer?

October is breast cancer awareness month; and it may or may not because of this that my father shared an email about Professor Jane Plant who claims that consuming (too much?) dairy products can lead to breast or prostrate cancer.

This link contains the full article that I read, but to summarize:

Professor Jane Plant was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987 and started to actively look for a cure. When her husband, also a scientist, came back from a working trip to China, they found that far less women in China got breast cancer (1 in 10,000 compared to 1 in 12 in Britain). After doing some research, they noticed the major difference in dietary intake in terms which is dairy products, and in fact breast cancer was called ‘Rich People’s Disease’ because it affected the group of people who adopted a western lifestyle more than the others. So, Jane Plant dropped dairy from her diet and got better in several weeks time! She has stressed however, that it is not just dairy-free diets that has saved her from cancer, but she actually followed other changes (10 in total if I'm not mistaken) in diets and lifestyles as well, which she wrote about in her book Your Life in Your Hands.

Why? There’s no hard eveidence, but the theory is that this effect is caused by the complex chemical makeup of cow’s milk, including insulin growth factor IGF-1, which causes cells to divide and reproduce as well as the hormone oestrogen. This link (same as the one before) explains in more details.

It was hard for me to conceive that something as pure as milk could lead to cancer. The idea seemed blasphemous! Now, I’m at neither end of spectrum of belief nor disbelief. I’m still open to both possibilities. I’m not going on a dairy-free diet just yet, but I’ll probably try to watch that I (and my family) don’t consume too much dairy, which is not something difficult to do given the high price of dairy products in this country. And if I know someone afflicted with breast cancer, I’ll probably share with her this article - perhaps she’d like to try going dairy-free, see if it would bring improvements.

When I talked to my father about this, I moaned, “What about our calcium intake?” But really, I was thinking of the yummy indulgent food: icecream, milkshakes, chocolates, yoghurt, cheese, fresh milk. (Oh, I do love dairy products!) I challenged: why isn’t there a conclusive research or more widespread awareness? Afterall, it has been more than 10 years since Professor Jane Plant came up with this theory. My father’s conspiracy theory is that, there is too much at stake for the dairy industry for this to become acknowledged scientifically. That aside, other sources of calcium includes: soybeans, tofu, dark leafy vegetables and orange juice.

And then, I remembered - there’s mentions of milk in the Qur’an, wasn’t there? What does it say again? A simple search on ‘milk’ from this site produces these ayats (Yusuf Ali’s translation):

And verily in cattle (too) will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.

And in cattle (too) ye have an instructive example: from within their bodies We produce (milk) for you to drink; there are, in them, (besides), numerous (other) benefits for you; and of their (meat) ye eat;

Now, that’s quite clear, isn’t it? Perhaps then, moderation is the keyword.



Too much of anything is always a bad thing, even water.



very interesting!

firstly, you cannot compare that 1 in 10 000 and 1 in 12 because the first is 1 in 10k population and the other is 1 in 12 women, betul tak? i searched in emedicine the statistic now is US 101 per 100k population, the east asians at 25 per 100k and mozambique 4 per 100k.

about the east asians diet- memang diet diorang protective of a few major illness eg heart disease, stroke, postmenopausal symptoms etc and now breast cancer, maybe a lot of veges and fishes? or soy? aku pun tak tau (w/pun dah byk kali terbaca), tapi memang diorang live longer kan..

but directly attributing dairy free diet with tumor shrinking? susah gak nak percaya, altho i dont want to dismiss the idea yet, and aku baca blog cancer survivors ni mmg mostly tukar diet and follow certain regime (a lot become vegetarian)

from personal experience my brother's tumor (lymphoma, not breast cancer) shrink without any chemo (took 2 years though) and at that time he abstained from meat and eggs, and eat 15 spoons of pure honey a day (he still took milk that time)

i'm not prepared to ditch choc, cakes and kopi susu or latte yet hehehe but i'll try cut down cheese n yogurt boleh tak?


Hmmm...bolehlah baca blog sy hari ni utk info tambahan berkenaan kanser! Pandangan ustaz tentang kanser.

Satu lg, yg sunnah sarankan dan byk disebut dlm riwayat ialah 'susu kambing' but i tak kisah pun susu lembu, mudah nk dpt.


the thing is, how much is 'too much'? most of the times pakai agak-agak je.. i don't think we take 'too much' of anything, do we?

thanks for sharing the statistics & personal experience! aku pun tak cek lah pulak numbers yg dia tulis kat situ. i suppose 100 in 100k vs 25 in 100k takdelah rasa as big a gap as 1 in 12 vs 1 in 10k. but 4 to 1 is still significant, of course.
yeah, aku pun mcm sceptical jugak pasal dia recover within weeks je, sbb dia cause takes many years to build on.. but she did stress byk lagi lifestyle changes yg dia buat..

sudah baca! thanks for sharing. panduan yang tidak sukar diikut, insyaAllah :)


Hmmm... i know a few people yang meninggal kerana kanser semuanya dlm tahun ni. Yg paling dekat dgn saya & paling menyedihkan ialah nenek kpd my husband yang sgt rapat dgn my husband (sebab nenek dia jaga dia sejak lahir sampai dia kahwin). Eventually saya & anak-anak pun sgt rapat dgn nenek dia dan kehilangannya amat-amat saya tangisi. She died of breast cancer about a month ago, at the age of 72. Setahu saya dia memang jenis tak berapa suka ambik dairy produk (mungkin tak ambik langsung pun) dan dia juga menyusukan sepenuhnya kesemua anak dia sehingga at least 2 tahun.

Saya rasa sebenarnya kanser ni drp dulu pun banyak, tapi sebab kecanggihan teknologi perubatan dan kesedaran masyarakat sekarang, maka sekarang kita banyak dengar pasal kanser. Lagipun sekarang orang hidup lebih lama kerana kualiti hidup yang meningkat. Sedangkan dulu2 orang tak tahu pun yang dia ada kanser, plus orang dulu mati lebih awal, sebelum sempat kena kanser...hehehe...

Pasal article prof tu...hmmm... tu research dia, so, banyak yang debatable dan banyak benda lain dia kena buktikan untuk sokong teori dia tentang dairy product tu. Maka itulah sebabnya ia tak dapat dan tak boleh nak di widespread kan. Alah mynie... i'm sure u know research ni bukan boleh terus buat conclusion macam tu aje. Basically itu opinion dia, berdasarkan research dia.

But of course semua org tahu bahawa semua penyakit, kuncinya ialah diet & lifestyle. Sebagaimana kata Rasulullah (sorry tak ingat riwayat)...'seburuk-buruk tempat dalam badan manusia adalah perut'... sebab asal penyakit bermula dgn makanan yang kita makan...

Intan Saleh

most diseases, if not all, are interplay between genetic and environment - which include diet, lifestyle, stress etc. that's why some people even with the genes don't get the disease because they are doing the right things, and some people with no family history suffer from certain diseases resulted from 'risky' behaviours.

i think most of us are aware of that fact. therefore, to say milk and dairy products can lead to breast cancer.. i would say that is a bit misleading.

we are even reluctant to say to patients who are on oestrogen replacement therapy that they would definitely get breast cancer. it's all about risk and probability. sure, they have higher risk of getting breast cancer.. but who knows?

true, some food are carcinogenic ('cancer inducing') but again, you need to consume thousands of kilos of it and combine it with other associated factors.

we would suggest to patients to be cautious with their dairy product intake (especially cheese) if they have high cholesterol level. however, i am yet to hear from my oncology consultant of such advice to cancer patients. or maybe i didn't pay enough attention.

just to share from my revision (uhuuu.. please pray for me) - cow milk is associated (this is another fact in medicine - we rarely say something cause something. we say 'associated' instead) with incidence of diabetes. babies who are exclusively breastfed has 50% lower risk to get diabetes later in life.

even too much soy is not good for you. yes, water too. but as long as your heart and kidneys are fine, your body can deal with too much water.. hehe! (is H abg ngah?)

wallahu a'lam. (dan saya sudah membebel panjang.. kwang3!)


al-fatihah to your granma-IL.
agree with you, that's her research and opinion, just wondering whether ada other source yg support dia, and if not, why not?

oklah the words 'lead to' is a bit strong, maybe 'increase risk'? but like you said apalah 'risk & probabilities'. btw, ayoh kata australia & new zealand paling risau kalau org reduce their dairy intake sbb dairy industry is BIG there! boleh terjejas ekonomi heheh.. conspiracy theory conspiracy theory.. and btw, you're right abt H ;p

Intan Saleh

hmm.. i can't argue much about ayoh's theory. we all know the strong association of smoking with cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, bladder cancer and heaps of other diseases. but what happen to tobacco industry? people still buy cigarettes despite the price and risk.

i'm sure there are many researchers who are not under pressure to falsify their results. every researchers have to declare any clash of interest in their publications. i think medical journals are more independent from dairy companies i.e. not much direct sponsorship as compared to pharmaceutical companies.

in our family, i'll be the one with the highest risk then. i drank milk until i was 6, then continue drinking since i came here. i love my milk. i drink one glass almost every day.

apa pun, berbalik kepada asas. the cancerous cells behave as such as dictated by Allah. Muslim doctors need to be cautious when explaining things to patients. even with all the risk factors, if Allah doesn't will it, it won't happen. i am a bit disturbed by pendapat ustaz pasal kanser tu. but what do i know.

anyway, just my 1 cent (tak laku pun.. kwang3)


another milk-is-not-nec-good post http://www.wellsphere.com/brain-health-article/cow-s-milk-breast-cancer-prostate-cancer-and-osteoporosis/684861

i didn't check any other links in the article, but it's really interesting that for any one 'good' thing research uncovers, another researcher uncovers a 'bad' thing. choc, coffee, fish, milk, etc... especially in this information overload age, it's hard to decide what to believe. on average, it seems moderation is best. balanced diet overall.

i am similarly (Greatly) disturbed by the ustaz's take on breast cancer. i wonder if he has similar views on prostate cancer (questioning the choice to pick on women). other cancers? (questioning the choice to pick on breast cancer as an illustrative example) is jinn-caused cancer more prevalent then? (questioning methodology)


yup, rokok tu lagilah clear and unambiguous dia punya negative impacts to one's health, pun susah org nak give up.. apatah lagi something yg tak sure camni..
i love my milk too! tapi siaplah balik sini nanti. 1 liter RM5 plus tau!

that article was an even bigger 'shock' sbb sungguh byk ailments yg dia list down as 'caused' by milk, including more common ones like sinusitis, asthma, cold, acne (!), headaches (though these sounds like symptoms rather than condition la).
talking about balanced diet, i think you are doing pretty well, and i hope to emulate your 'more fruits & vege' approach :)

about the comment by ustaz on kanser, again it's his personal theory and opinion. while i agree that women need to take care (physically & spiritually) during menses, and that it's possible that makhlus halus can cause physical (and tangible) impact to human bodies, i may not agree that makhlus halus cause cancer per se. not that i know much la..


Yo! Polemik, polemik ...

Ustaz merujuk kanser secara umum, tetapi kanser payudara & rahim secara khusus kerana kedua2 jenis kanser ini orang perempuan byk yg kena dan lebih popular diperkatakan.

Kalau kanser prostat pun samalah juga amalan pencegahannya. Bukankah mengekalkan wuduk itu suatu sunnah? Jika sunnah, ertinya tentulah byk kebaikannya.

Ada lagi Ustaz sentuh pasal kepentingan wuduk, but i don't hv time to write them. Insya-Allah jika ada masa nanti. Blh dikongsikan utk manfaat bersama.

Apa pun, religious perspective ttg apa2 penyakit tidak blh diketepikan. Mcm apabila demam, dari segi perubatan lain pandangan, tetapi Nabi SAW menyebut, panas demam itu ialah bahang daripada api neraka, maka kita hendaklah sejukkannya dengan air/jelum (disamping makan ubat of coz)...bukan org sembarangan yg sebut, tapi Nabi SAW sendiri yg sebut!

Intan Saleh

i'm sure aida too, like me, has no intention to pertikai sunnah or the hikmah of perpetually being with wudhu.

it's just the ustaz specifically said women have breast or uterine cancer because of impure condition during menses.

“Mengapa orang perempuan banyak menghidap kanser rahim dan kanser payudara?” soal beliau. Ustaz Abdullah kemudian menjawab soalannya sendiri, “Sebab orang perempuan mengalami haid dan nifas.”

which make us thing how he would explain prostate cancer in men who have no menses.

if i take it further, this is a bit blasphemous, considering it is sunnatullah women get periods.

wallahu a'lam.


Maybe you can offset it with curry? People can say lots of things, but not everyone can be correct, can they? http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/10/28/curcumin-cancer.html


kebetulan my friend afi pun posted something about kunyit
well, that's good news for us, sbb kunyit mmg present in our local diet. kalau tak kari pun, the simple ayam goreng and ikan goreng pun guna kunyit.

dan mengenai pendapat ustaz, polemik yang sihat dialu-alukan :) cuma dalam keterbatasan konteks dan akses kepada sumber, apa yang baik diambil, yang berbeza pandangan, kita lapangkan dada dan bersangka baik :)


just to add a critical point: cigarette is super-addicting. the smokers know smoking is bad, and that the probability and consequence are there, hence the risk. but they can't easily fight off the addiction. tobacco companies are not indicted because so far no one could collectively point that smoking kills directly. the deaths are due to side effects, like lung cancer, stroke, etc. that they claim due to bad lifestyle by smokers anyway.

so it should be easy to quit milk... unless you're addicted already!

I've listened to Ust Abdullah Mahmood many, many times. We used to invite him to our musolla at noon, every other week. He's well known for fighting off jinn. but we take his advice on medicine with plenty of discretion. he taught that even names have weights, like alif, ba, jim, dal, ha, wau, zai with value of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. ta, tha, kho, dzal, dhod, zho, ghin with 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 weights respectively, and so on. add up your names in arabic and we can see higher or lower (i couldn't remember) probability to getting sick. write alif, alif, alif a lot in a white plate filled with water to make somebody calms down and return to you. etc. i don't mean to discredit the ustaz himself or what he is conveying, but i personally take the reminder if he quotes hadith or sunnah, and not the methods he uses which don't seem to refer, so i leave those methods to the experts.

to me the key is moderation and avoid processed food as much as you can. i agree with ayoh - too much at stake for the big economy and food industries to reveal too much. even exxon is lobbying congress to think twice about believing global warming, and that carbon control is junk science, etc. why? because exxon produces plenty of oil & gas with plenty of carbon / global warming side effects! americans are in it too, without knowing.many of them are shareholders. but not all are consciously in it... a handful educated few are protesting the way exxon moves forward - even the founder himself, rockerfeller.

anyway, there was an article about a doctor who allegedly found the cure of cancer - but discredited by the rest of the community of doctors. they claimed that this doctor's method is not prescriptive, unorthodox, etc. fyi, this particular doctor only treats terminally diagnosed cancer and although he doesn't officialize himself, cancer patients keep seeing him for final effort before death. he managed to cure something like 980+ out of 1000 patients or something - under strict regime of fruits and vegetable diets for 10 months. no processed food whatsoever. why the doctor's being discredited? it would be against the other doctors' wallet and continuity to award him - oncologist would lose jobs, doctors at intensive care become redundant, etc. food & pharmaceutical companies would definitely beat down the idea to recognize the doctor, because they have to downsize in doing so. the only industry who could have helped was agricultural. but i think it was too small compared to food & pharmaceutical, even today. i'll post again here if i could find that article.

Intan Saleh

adeh.. mana pegi komen taip panjang2 tadi.

mch, i'm more than happy if my patients not coming back with their problems. that means i've helped them by doing the right things.

we have too many avoidable deaths and diseases already. yet, we don't have enough resources and doctors. any sane doctor should support another who has the cure for whatever.


i agree with intan. takkanlah tak nak establish a cure sbb takut doktor takde kerja .. kalau pharmaceutical company yg takut org tak beli dah ubat dia tu, maybe..


doctors who are backed by pharmaceutical, food companies, etc la tu


Million of people hope it is true. It will then start a 'catastrophy'. So millions other hope it is not true, so that life will go on as usual. Sorry for not so good english.

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