Who wants to be a policeman
On my drive to work this morning, I saw a police truck. In it - a group of boys (ok - young men) in white t-shirts, each holding a senapang (Hmm what’s the English word for senapang? Shotgun?). I tried to read their expressions but couldn't.
My thoughts:
I wonder, what are the motivations (and reasons) for individuals to apply to become a policeman in this country?
Put in another way, what kind of people actually apply and become a policeman (in this country)?
And another way, if one day Munief comes and tell me he wants to be a policeman (when he’s 16 or 17, say, if he’s 6 or 7 it doesn’t count), how would I feel?
maybe soalan ni sesuai ditanya kpd lelaki... sebab kita memang tak nampak reasonnya, atau motivasi di sebaliknya, tapi org lelaki ni pelik sikit...hehehe... tak sama dgn fikiran dan perasaan kita as women.
My grandfather IL was a policeman, and now my brother in law pun dah jadi inspektor polis. Saya tak pasti kenapa...tapikan, walaupun jawatan tu macam tak 'tinggi', tapi memang 'powerful'.
trying hard to remember our firearm lecture during forensic posting...what was it? ke lecturer aku tak translate? aku pun dah tak ingatla (ilmu x pernah pakai)..
berlapang dada for munief :) kalau jadi polis yg jujur apa salahnya (based on his parents i'm sure he is destined to be a great man, even if he decides to join police force)
hmmm...munief, let somebody else to be policeman, ok? ehehehe :P
wah.. kalau camtu you'd have a better understanding than me kot. i don't have any friends or relative yg kerja polis. the closest is a cousin yg kerja di balai polis tp bukan sbg polis, tp sbg admin.
tulah - for all the thrillers that we've read, apesal tak lekat word tu, padahal baru je baca 'point of impact' yg mmg focus on guns. i guess, it's called selective memory hehe :)
re: munief. hmm ntahlah. as a mum, i think i'd be worried kot, takut dia exposed to all sort of physical dangers huhu.. (mak pengecut)
but again, the challenge goes back to this (and i guess it's one of the points i'm trying to get across). kalau kita nak komplen2 polis tak bagus (for eg je), then why not send your son become one. or kenapa ustaz gitu-gini, raise your son to become an ustaz. or komplen2 kenapa peniaga2 gitu-gini, become one. in other words, don't ask why diorg gitu-gini, but ask why not KITA change that. err.. paham ke idak apa aku bebel ni..
tulah pasal hehe ;p
kalau ideal: "i'm proud of you, son. now go do your part for your country. protect its citizens."
in reality: "are you sure about this?"
klau anak2 kita nak jadi polis, marilah bayangkan perasaan para ibu yang lepaskan anak2 mereka ke medan perang fisabilillah. doakan keselamatan mereka atau syahid demi-Nya. :)
In the USA, cops are more likely to die due to traffic-related causes than firearm-related reasons.
doakan muga x jadi anggota polis yg korup, Amin.
begitulah yang sepatutnya. aduh jauhnya.. terasa diri seperti buih di lautan huhu..
interesting. wherever did you get that fact? reminds me - we used to know you for dispensing these kind of random trivias :)
amiinn.. i'm sure ramai je honest ones out there, cuma cerita yg tak enak je lg selalu goes around..
Mynie, weekend baru ni my niece & kawan dia (a girl) dtg rumah. Guess what...cita2 kawan dia tu nak jadi polis macam ayah dia...huhu... sgt kagum! My husband cakap kat dia...'baguslah, adik saya pun dah jadi inspektor polis...' haa.... ni girl ni sgt bersemangat!
Bagi saya, saya tak kisah anak saya nak jadi apa...polis & askar pun takpe, asalkan yg beriman, cerdik & amanah dlm tugas dia...betul tak? For boys (at least masa kecik..), memang patut dia ada semangat nak jadik polis or askar yg nampak macho tu... bagi saya, ia adalah nature yg patut ada dan semakin hilang dlm diri anak muda (or boys) zaman sekarang... it's just that kitalah kena guide dia betul2...such as kenapa nak jadik polis? hehehe... Macam ahmad, dia dah boleh relate banyak benda. We always emphasize on benda macam good is good and bad is bad no matter sape yg buat. So, ada polis baik, ada polis jahat. Ada org muslim baik, tapi ada yg jahat, etc. Basically kejahatan (atau akhlak) tu dinilai pada perbuatan seseorang tu, no matter dia tu sape... tak kira muslim or non muslim. Of course aqidah is another topic! And all of it is about your own choice sama ada nak jadi baik atau jahat, no matter kat mana pun kita. The next step maybe pada berani menyatakan yg benar itu benar dan yg batil itu batil...hehehe...macam bagus jer...;p
memang bagus pun! thanks kongsi concepts yg diajar kpd anak-anak, bolehlah kami cuba manfaatkan :)
jadi policewoman ni boleh jatuh fardu kifayah barangkali. just like we need women doctors etc.. good for her!
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