Thursday, March 11, 2010

Buy Telaga Biru books online

Telaga Biru has recently launched its marketing arm Stormreaders using the multi-level marketing system. I usually shy away from MLMs. But this one got me thinking twice (only) before joining, because the products involved are books! Something that gets me excited :)

So, if you plan to buy any Telaga Biru books, do use my link below:

Stormreaders Banner

Why buy online?
- You can get access to all the books published by Telaga Biru. If you go to shops, there might be titles that is out of stock or that the shop chose not to carry.
- Save time and less hassle (as with most online shopping)

Their shipping cost is very reasonable. Two weeks ago, I bought 7 books and got charged only RM12 for postal (they used Pos Malaysia’s Parcel service). I purchased on Monday and the books arrived on Thursday!

Why Telaga Biru?
- They have a wide array of books covering many topics including Islam, self-help/motivational, parenting, and even fiction.
- The books are very well-presented, most with full colour and useful illustrations. For example, the book Formula Solat Sempurna by Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman have photos of people illustrating the steps of the rukun solat etc

These are some of Telaga Biru books that I have bought.

Happy reading!

P/S: If you are interested to be a distributor, do email me at emel.siti@ for details :)

Vertical banner:



mynie! sy nak mengadu ni. sy dh register sejak 02.02.10 yg lepas. tp tak dapat feedback pun!

pihak stormreaders suh sy check dgn upline. sy telefon tp dia tak angkat pulak. apakah!

*semangat telah merudum :(
kiciwa tau!


mynie, klo sy daftar lagi sekali jd downline mynie boleh ke? hahaha! kiranya akaun lagi satu tu sy tunggu dan lihat aje la.

leceh betul la dapat upline entah hape2 pastu kita pulak jenis malas nk contact dia byk kali. lagi satu, sy malas nk gi taklimat kat gombak tu. aci tak?


saya kurang faham, kalau dah ada akaun maknanya dah register kan? dah dapat ke url utk zufa (cth ada dpt email beri password utk activate tak? email lah saya ye, terangkan which stage you're at skrg. sy belum ada email zufa.
btw, saya pun tak pernah gi taklimat ;p


eh. tak, tak. sy dh buat bayaran, dh emel. tp dia tak update apa2 pun. apatah lagi bagi link berbagai tu. dh la telefon tak angkat, emel pun tak reply.

hmmm. takpe. kejap lagi sy pi 'serang' dia. sebab dh lebih sebulan ni. apa kes, kan?


wuih bahaya tu.. in my case, upline dah registerkan dulu (dah dpt url/password etc) baru dia minta bayaran.. kalau dia tak reply juga, mungkin boleh buat aduan ke admin stormreaders. i'm sure diorg pun tak suka kalau ada kes2 mcm ni..


Looking like good books... yet to know until i read 'em.

Anyway... these front covers triggered me an opinion - why la org kita buat front cover nak bubuh semua bende, each words a different font style, pastu nak fill up the whole thing, kalau boleh gambar author skali.

if it's a good book - it's a good book. takyah nak iklankan / meriahkan the front page sampai begitu skali.


nak tak nak, front cover is important utk 'pancing' pembeli at least ambil dan belek. the thing is what defines a 'good cover' is subjective and depend on org punya taste. of course the publisher will try to appeal to the majority lah. in general, i think i'm ok with telaga biru's cover designs. some more attractive than others, but generally better than some other publishers (especially publisher 'lama').

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