Three ice-breaking questions
These may come useful if you happen to be organizing or chairing some sort of team meeting or team building events. They’re short and doesn’t really extend the time allocated, but they help to make intoductions more interesting. Pick one of these to accompany the usual self-introduction (name, role, etc) at the beginning of the session.
1. Add one interesting fact about yourself that not many people know about.
2. Who is your favourite author (or what is your favourite book) and why?
3. Pick one number that means something to you. And let the others guess.
For example:
4 (number of children)
5775 (car plat number)
24 (the age I got married)
haaa. sy nak share satu ice-breaking session dlm satu kursus pendek yg sy pegi.
peserta diberi sehelai kertas. di situ ada beberapa kotak yg diisi pernyataan, cthnya:
suka kucing
pakai gigi palsu
berseluar dalam merah - LOL :P
kita kena pergi kat semua peserta lain dan isi tempat kosong tu dengan nama peserta yg lain dlm masa yg diberikan.
utk sy yg errr....tak reti sgt bercakap hal-hal informal dlm keadaan seorang pun kita tak kenal, aktiviti ni membuatkan ice breaking tu jadi sgt spontan :P
ha saya pernah main yang tu! :) in that version, siapa first dpt one straight line (ala-ala bingo) 'menang'.
saya setuju. saya pun jenis tak reti nak 'berkenal-kenalan' ni, so saya appreciate bila organiser 'facilitate' via ice-breaking activities.
1. is normally always being used.
2. too personal/specific... some people don't even read
3. fun... first time I heard of such
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