Thursday, June 17, 2010

I like these recycle bins

Seen at Changi Airport, Singapore.

No confusion over which colour is for which materials.
And more importantly, they're fun!



wow, bestnya tong recycle camni!

sy pun sbnrnya bercita2 nk beli tong macam ni, letak kat taman perumahan. cukup bulan, sy hantar kat recycling centre. hahaha! boleh buat duit tu :P

eh, bekas polistrene tu takleh recycle, kan? rugi betul la. klo kita volunteer kutip masa org buat open house, tentu cepat jadi kaya. hahaha!

Ummu Auni

bestnya. comel pula tu


murni sungguh niat itu. mesra alam sambil buat duit sikit-sikit hehe :) tapi jaga-jaga lah, nnt kena sort balik sampah yg orang buang tak betul..

ummu auni afif,
best - it's both functional and aesthethically pleasing! (eh macam promoter pulak)


saya pun masih cuba-cuba nak ambil iktibar. saya belum diligently me-recycle brg2 ;p


Saya dh lama asingkan brg2 recyle ni. bila dh byk, kami angkut himpun di rmh mak. Bila dh menimbun, panggil lori. Diorg beli sampah srp tu. dpt le kira2 rm40. At least blh beli gas dapur dgn duit tu.

BTW, polistirena, blh dikitar semula tp, negara kita x sediakan tongnya!

Cuma sy hrp ada le 1 hr nanti disediakan tmpt utk lupus bateri2 terpakai sbb benda tu bahaya jika dibuang begitu sj. Bhn kimia blh bocor.


i haven't started anything pon pasal recycle ni. but plan to sew my own shopping bag to reduce usage of plastic ones.

oh oh.. btw.. for Iman's bekal, dah already bawak our own bekas, sampai kedai, isi dalam bekas tu aje.


hahaha..sangat comel..


mynie, al fatihah for your mom.

Hajar Alwi


Now that's what I call is an ingenious way to encourage people to recycle!


this gets a very high usability score! 9/10 at least

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