Saturday, December 04, 2010

Investing in properties

Last Monday, I had lunch with several colleagues, one of whom is quite interested in property investment. She was telling us about an advertisement in a property magazine she subscribes to, colonial bungalow for sale in Cameron Highland, suitable for boutique hotel, which she said gave her an idea of what to do for retirement (run a boutique hotel). Another colleague shared his friend’s experience of buying a bungalow for RM1.3 million, spent a few hundred thousand ringgit on renovations, and sold the bungalow for RM3 million.

I was quiet most of the time, not having much to contribute, and then confessed, “I still haven’t DARED to invest in a property.” “Why?” she asked. “Because of property bubble, is it?” I just nodded, though that’s not really it. Together, these two claimed, “You should buy! There’s a lot of good properties on Malay reserve. We would have liked to buy, but well, we can’t.”

Coincidently, when I read the paper later that day, I saw a headline in The Star ‘Property Ownership Gap Could Cause Political Instability: PM’. Before I touch more on Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera (AHB) which was the topic of the headline, Let me explain a bit on why I haven’t dared invest in properties, despite the fact that I can afford to do so (for now, at least) and despite having read books about it (for example Azizi Ali) and people sharing tips on tip (for example Mommy Lyna) – for which I’m thankful for. Somehow, just reading about it and never seeing it done before (no one in my family has invested in properties before, not the for-rent type anyway) is not enough to ‘free’ my mindset. Hmm … this is sounding like a lame excuse. But it does make a difference somehow. It’s just like I never needed to ‘think and decide’ whether to breastfeed my children because I see the mothers in my extended family breastfeed their kids all the time.

I think I’m naturally a risk-averse person (actually I’m pretty sure I am). The thought of taking a loan to invest in properties does not appeal to me. Yes, they call it a ‘good loan’ in financial management books, but I still feel that being committed to additional loan is getting me further away from my goal of attaining financial freedom. Yes, they said ‘other people’ will help us service this loan (tenants), but what if I can’t fetch a rent that is enough to cover the monthly installment (negative flow)? What if long periods lapse in between tenants? It would still be fine if I have a fixed income that’s enough to patch those up. But what if I don’t? Between me and my husband, we are a servicing one loan (housing) currently, and even that feels more than enough. I wish I can buy properties on cash basis, haha! Or perhaps what I’m looking for are other type of assets (may not be properties) that are low enough in value such that they can be bought on cash basis, that can still give reasonable continuous income.

Ok, now onto AHB. Pakdi has summarised some points about it pretty well, two of which I’ll highlight here. AHB is syariah-compliant and expected to give 6% return. I haven’t found out whether we would need to pay zakat on the amount we stash away in AHB (should we decide to invest there), but let’s say we do, then our cash is better off in Tabung Haji, which gives about 5% return AFTER zakat (more than 6 minus 2.5=3.5). And then, there’s the other fees involved for transactions, for example when selling the AHB units etc, which are not clear yet at the moment. So, I haven’t decided whether to take up the AHB offer or not. Afterall, many seems to opine that the return could well be above 6%.


Aina Ana

Mynie, akak ni rumah pun tak mampu beli! Macam mana tu? Nak beli rumah kos rendah, tak layak sebab braket gaji melebihi kelayakan.

Nak beli rumah kos sederhana tak mampu sebab nak kumpul duit buat bayaran pendahuluan pun dah rasa terseksa.

Cemburu dengan adik-adik akak yang dah beli rumah sendiri :)

Pelaburan yang akak buat pun dalam Tabung Haji, unit amanah & emas.

Ada pinjaman bank untuk kereta pun dah rasa besar sangat nak bayar apatah lagi nak beli rumah..tak sanggup rasanya. Tapi kena beli juga suatu hari, cuma tak berani buat masa sekarang.

Asma Wan

Mynie, a good friend of mine, bought a flat from an auction at lower than market price, then rented it out at market-price rent. Usually when the price is good, you can buy these properties with cash because the owner can't pay the remaining of the bank loan, and the bank just wants the residual paid.

You can start small. You can pay cash. I want to start too!

I can get you in touch with him.

ibu auni

i own an apartment in vista. itupun takut2 nak buat investment in the first place. the rent isn't that much. tak adalah boleh cover lagi down payment yang diletakkan. tapi OK jugalah. a property of my own, which can be cash cow in long run


my hubby and i owned an apartment in gombak.. it was quite cheap, but the returns, alhamdulillah.. kalau orang keluar rumah je, ada je penyewa baru.

in a way i love property investment. target nak ada 1 rumah for each of my child. tapi taktau la kan..


kak huda,
tu lah, harga rumah dah makin mahal sekarang.. patutlah ramai kawan/sedara beli rumah makin jauh. nilai lah, bukit mahkota lah..
cubalah allocate simpanan every month utk bayaran pendahuluan, for the time you're ready to buy, insyaAllah..

interested jugak pasal auction ni. bestnya kalau boleh beli (much) below market price. tapi betul ke boleh dapat so low sampai bayar cash. boleh ke dpt below 100k?

good for you :) tu lah, property ni long term investment. kalau pun monthly negative cashflow, in the long run it's still an appreciating asset. i know, but still havaen't my first steps ;p

that's a noble plan. selalu juga dgr org buat camni, even our parents generation. pastu bila time anak nak masuk uni, boleh jual that property and boleh hantar si anak belajar kat oversea. or ada jugak yg hadiahkan masa si anak kahwin. dgr cerita org jelah..

Mommy Lyna


My husband & I pun intially sceptical dengan property investment. just like you, kitorg prefer cash in our hand and hate 30-40 yrs of loan yang entah apa nak jadi dengan property tu pun that time. for that, we prefer main saham, some derivatives & commodity play.

tapi after learning (aggressively) about property, we find it as the best "education fund" for our kids. guess what, since that simple discovery our housing loan jump to 7-figure in no time without us realising it! huhu. some said we took unnessarry risk, but the risk is only proportion to amount of knowledge u have; confidence comes right after that.

sampai sekarang, we are so ketagih dengan property investment and make searching good opportunity like everyday business. the best part, on your way to property wealth, you will definitely make good business networks; property agents, mortgage broker, bank manager (yes, bank branch manager!) & few contractors, that will only put your business on the next phase of growth.

despite all the bullishness i have, property memang not meant for everyone. tak semua orang ade risk appetite & preference yg sama. stick to your investment personality; jangan mudah terkut-ikut. short cut to wealth is keep on harnessing & leveraging on your investment personality/ strength. it may seems to contradict to some believe of keep on chasing "good money" sebab reality is; nobody knows where is the "good money" except bila dah terlepas.

most importantly, have fun with your investment! kalau dah seronok, penat lelah pun jadi part of the excitement!

Mommy Lyna


mommy lyna,
thanks for sharing your experiences! i'm glad you and your hubby are so into property investment, bertambahlah wakil orang kita insyaAllah :)
i'm not sceptical abt this, cuma like you said lah - kena suitable with personality and risk appetite.. ntahlah, tengoklah dulu camana :)


wow, tq mommy lyna for your advice :)

kitorang belum ada duit utk invest apa2 ngeeee

tapi fortunately rumah yg kitorang beli kat melaka, sejak beli memang ada je penyewa tak putus although sewa lower than what we have to pay monthly

luckily in the past 3 years that area has been developing a lot++ and i really hope the house's price has increase (but i havent checked)

kakak aku pulak, beli service apartment yg diuruskan oleh satu company yg cari tenants and manage the rents and problems and everything, basically bayar downpayment and cuci tangan je, the rent pays the monthly installment (rent is high because the apartment is used by a private college for their students) far takde problem

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