Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back to the office

Tomorrow I will report back at the office after a three-month maternity leave.

I will certainly miss being at home, it suits me I think. But I am grateful to Allah for my job through which He is giving me my rezeki. A few 'blunders' happened while I was away, which caused the team a significant loss of margin. Though I am not directly responsible (since I was on leave and off duty), I feel accountable for them since I was supposed to train the person who covered some of my roles during my absence. I am not looking forward to mitigating the 'mess' but I accept that it's something that I have to do.

*sigh* The blues is creeping in, but I must ward it off. Think positive, Mynie!



wah, kejap jer dah nak naik kerja... dont worry too much :)

Ummu Auni

adeh. now i'm worried too. my team mate is waiting for her delivery


yep - i try not to think too much about it.. just go with the flow, taking it one day at a time, one challenge at a time, while at the same time not losing sight on things that matters.. insyaAllah :)

takkan awak sorang kena cover dia? biasa dibahagi2 between a few people.. in my case, my boss berbaik hati hire a temp staff (sbb there's only 2 of us in his team, and this other person ni mmg takleh handle).. tp temp staff ni pun tak dpt nak cover all my roles. so byk benda yg 'on-hold' jugak..

Niza K.

kakngah, dats wut im afraid the most :( dah all out train org nk back up niza, tetibe dia kata xleh cope, so dia surrender. skrang last minit train org lain plak, management pun 1 hal. dsebabkan feel so exhausted, lg 2 minggu nak jgk start cuti. niza concern psl keje n psl camane org yg nk back up niza tu, tp management x concern psl niza pn :( dun care lah, but i noe, i'll have to clean up some 'mess' later on. hopefully not dat worst lah. hmm.


one mantra i tell myself ialah - "it's not my company!" hahaha ;p there's only so much i can do. if i've tried my best but something goes wrong jugak, nak buat macam mana kan? just learn from the mistake lah..

so, just do your best, tapi jangan stresskan diri, k? take care :)

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