Monday, September 28, 2009

Bottled water

From here.

Australian town in 'world-first' bottled water ban

Hundreds of people marched through the picturesque rural town of Bundanoon to mark the first day of its bottled water ban by unveiling a series of new public drinking fountains, said campaign spokesman John Dee.

Shopkeepers ceremoniously removed the last bottles of water from their shelves and replaced them with reusable bottles that can be filled from fountains inside the town's shops or at water stations in the street.
This piece of news interests me. In Malaysia, I don't think that many people are aware of the impacts of bottled water (or rather, the plastic bottles) to the environment. Since it is probably ‘difficult’ for us to install drinking fountains all around, I think it is a good idea to try and strike a balance, to start with. Let’s try to use reusable bottle as much as we can, but let the bottled water still be available in shops, for ‘just-in-cases’ (since there wouldn't be ample of drinking fountains). Every little helps. I’ve also read somewhere that drinking too much bottled (mineral) water and too little (boiled/filtered) tap water is not good for our teeth because the former lacks fluoride, which is ample in the latter. Hmm.. I’d better check this fact before publishing it. *go google* Ok here it is, some reference.



nice..tapii..aku selalu tak percaya dgn tempat minum public ni hehehe

free ke air kat water fountain ni? how's the reaction of mineral water companies?


that's whylah aku tak suggest kita ikut what this town did hehe :) kalau tak trust public drinking facilities, cubalah bawa air byk2 dari rumah..
ah tak cari pulak related stories, tak tau what's the reaction of the mineral water companies.


takde nampak pun plenty of fountains in melbourne. maybe i haven't been to those areas yet.


ni kat bundanoon je (wherever that is).. i don't think it's (no bottled water policy) likely to happen in melbourne :) though there's no reason why they can't just install water fountains there (or everywhere, for that matter)..


Kat Malaysia ni bukannya air yg jd masalah, tp botol tu sendiri. Org M'sia suka buang merata2 mls benar nk buang kt recycle bin.

We all sekrg segala mcm jenis botol kumpul (termasuk botol syampu, fabric softner dll). Pas tu call lori pembeli sampah. Dpt gak duit jual sampah, enough utk beli satu tong gas.

Khabarnya org jepun byk rosak gigi sbb air & ubt gigi diorg takda flouride! Btl tidak wallahualam. Tp terlebih flouride pun bahaya utk kesihatan!


betul tu, botol tu yang bermasalah. baguslah kalau dapat direcycle, saya bayangkan kalau dilupus macam biasa, lamanya dia nak dibiodegrasi! mcm beg plastik jugalah.

recycle, re-use, rethink!


australians can be quirky... i have to give them that.

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