Friday, August 19, 2011

It looks like something I might like

An ideal job to me would have the following criterias:
i) it's something that I really enjoy doing, something I'm passionate about (I think people who are doing something they are passionate about is sooo lucky!)
ii) it's something where I can contribute, something beneficial to society and my deen
iii) it's flexible - I can choose when and where to work, and for how long (yes, this part is a bit of wishful thinking, or rather, this part implies that I need to be self-employed)
iv) I can earn a reasonable income (last and least)

I'm still hoping to get there, but in the meantime, I think I'm a bit 'stuck' (mentally, perhaps?) in the company where I'm currently working. The current job I have at the moment is okay. There's part of it I enjoy, and other parts I don't (biasalah tu). I don't get stressed often, I don't get excited often. It's all getting a bit of a drab. It feels like a 'job' and I feel like I'm working for money and that's not nice. If I use the P (physical), I (intellectual), E (emotional), S (spiritual) aspects as written in Ustaz Hasrizal's article, I'd rank this job as high in P and I but very low on E and S.

Three weeks ago my boss asked me, "So, what is your plan for your next assignment?"

I said, "Hmm... I'm not sure."

"You're not interested in sales and marketing, right?"

"Not really."

"Then what's left is support functions." (Yes, that's how it is here. Those who 'bring in the money' is considered core, and the rest are just supporting functions.)

He asked, "Engineering? Finance?"

I was silent.

He said, "At your age, you should know what you want to go for. Have a career plan."

I know he's just looking out for me. Thank you, Kxx Txxxx. I'm so lucky - all 3 supervisors I've had in the 8 years I've been working in this company has been kind to me.

But he's right. At 31, I feel that I'm past my youth. My mother's passing at such young age last year had affected me deeply. I feel like the clock is ticking. Time is running out. It's quite frustrating not to know for sure what my calling is. What do I want to do? Who do I want to be?

Last Monday, I saw a position being broadcasted in the internal open resourcing system. It looks like something I might like. I clicked the link to read more. Yes, it definitely looks like something I might like. It might not be 'a calling', but it looks like something I can be passionate about, something I can gain emotional satisfaction from. It doesn't make sense career-wise, and I might need to travel more than I do now, and there might be part of the jobscope that I would enjoy less than the rest, but ... IT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING I MIGHT LIKE.

My heart was beating faster. I was not able to focus on my work that Monday morning because I was quite excited about the prospect. Referring back to the PIES, I think this position might score lower on P and I, but will score quite high on E and there will be slight improvement for S.

At the moment, I have not decided. I told my boss of my intention just now, and as expected, he said it might not be a good career move, but he's supportive of whatever my decision is. The closing date is this Monday and so far 4 people have applied. So, even if I apply I might not get it. (Yeah, but if I don't apply, I won't get it FOR SURE, duh.)

It looks like something I might like. But, what if it's NOT? What if I do this, and then regret the decision for whatever reason?

WHAT IFs are paralysing me. Arghh! Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not?

Ya Allah, please guide me. If this is better for me, please make the path easy for me...


Ummu Auni

How many times did you change your job scope? This is my third time, but a close friend told me that whenever I went/changed my job, there's job matching resulting in me happy in doing my job.


masuk audit ke? hehehe


ummu auni,
third time change, maknanya job ke-4? same here (if this happens la...)

tidakkk!! for all the things i'm not sure whether i want to do or not, audit is one that i know i definitely don't want to do. no offense to audit ppl :)

this job - as my brother put it, "you're going EVEN further away from engineering" hehe..


syoknyerrrr dapat lompat2 scope of work gitu. semoga dapat apa yang diidam2kan!



tak sesenang yg diharap. nasib sy masih tergantung..
apa-apa keputusan sy pasrah, terima sbg keputusan yg Allah beri, yg terbaik buat sy..

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